Typically, I will respond to these answers by describing how certain chemicals flood our bodies when we fall in love. Dopamine triggers the reward center of the brain and causes us to feel that we don’t need to eat or sleep (which may be why someone once said that to fall in love is the best diet there is). I describe the adrenaline flow, which puts us on high alert the rush of endorphins, and the oxytocin, which causes a deep longing to connect through all five of our senses to this other person, who attracts us so intensely. Because we first felt that chemical rush when falling in love for the first time, it’s natural to associate that experience generally with your first love. But unfortunately, just because you fell in love with that person doesn’t mean that he or she still would be the object of your desire in the present. With that, here are five hard truths about those times when you find yourself thinking of your first lover.

  1. Looking for your first love can create havoc in your life. Especially if you are married or in a committed relationship. It’s OK to engage with the memories and the fantasy of your first love. It might even teach you about what you’re looking for in love in the present. But thought and action are different. Try to sit with the discomfort.
  2. The imprinting on our hearts and head may have little to do with the person we first fell in love with. And it may have everything to do with the feeling we felt — the romance, the nostalgia.
  3. Those pure-hearted, deep, and tender feelings of first love may never leave you. The longing is most often the amazing awakening to love, rather than the actual human being you are thinking about.
  4. An ongoing relationship with an imperfect person can’t hold a candle to the fantasy of your first love. Your current partner may be annoying and sometimes even impossible. But no matter who they are or what they’re like, know that your first love will always be your first love, plain and simple. You will always have intense associations with that person, but those don’t mean your current partner isn’t worth it.
  5. The Internet is filled with stories about people reuniting after 50 years apart. That doesn’t mean you should try this out for yourself. In fact, these stories most often do NOT turn out well. I remember my first love. I was a thirteen-year old girl over at a friend’s house after school one day when a boy appeared from next door and offered to carry in the groceries for my friend’s mother. He glanced at the group of us, but his look lingered on me, and he smiled with his eyes, which seemed to drill into my very soul (this expression alone makes me feel thirteen again). I was struck by a pining, a craving, and a craziness that are still with me almost sixty years later. The boy asked me my name, but I wasn’t able to answer, or even to say hello. I can conjure this experience on demand, along with the dry mouth, the racing heart, and the shock that left me mute and blank. This first romance contained much more misery than joy. The boy was funny, smart, and incredibly charming, but he also was deceptive. Ten years ago, I went to his funeral, grieving, but also grateful that we’d parted ways. I’ve been deeply committed and happily married to another man for almost three decades, and yet still my ardent first feelings remain. I still harbor a desire for the boy I met that day, which defies logic, time, and reality. These feelings for a long-ago lover aren’t necessarily a matter of brain chemicals only. We protect the moment when we first felt the magic, because we awakened to the mystery of love, which, for all the pain and confusion it may bring, is also a gateway to life’s true wonders.

Why It s Unhealthy To Obsess Over Your First Love - 65Why It s Unhealthy To Obsess Over Your First Love - 78Why It s Unhealthy To Obsess Over Your First Love - 72