Moreover, humans are some of the few mammals who can’t make our own vitamin C, so it’s critical to get enough through diet (and supplements can help, too) every day. Here, learn about the science-backed benefits of this powerhouse nutrient. Vitamin C also helps neutrophils2, another type of white blood cell, “eat” and destroy bad microbes.* All in all, these are quite amazing (and specific) actions for our immune response. The antioxidative properties of vitamin C protect the immune system, too.* Acute oxidative stress is normal and useful for immune function, but prolonged oxidative stress is not normal, nor good for overall health. Getting enough vitamin C, along with other antioxidants, is key to maintaining antioxidant vs. oxidant balance and a strong and resilient immune system.* Antioxidants like vitamin C are compounds3 that combat oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals.* They are critical to strike a healthy oxidative balance in the body.* According to Keira Barr, M.D., dual board-certified dermatologist, vitamin C4 helps protect your skin from free radical exposure (like UV rays and air pollution).* This helps pump the brakes on many types of skin woes, including the impact of sun exposure5, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles.*  For optimal skin benefits, Barr suggests both supplementing with vitamin C and applying it topically—a tandem approach.* This ensures that there is enough vitamin C biologically available and active in and on the skin.* “Including vitamin C in your morning routine will help buffer against environmental exposures during the day,”* she notes. “[Applying] it at night will help support skin rejuvenation in the evening."*  But as we get older, our body’s usual formation of collagen naturally decreases7, leading to thinner skin and less of this major building block for our various tissues’ architectural support and healing. To support healthy skin aging, be sure to get enough vitamin C.* “Vitamin C is a key cofactor in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, [which help] give your skin that plump and youthful appearance,”* says Barr. The nutrient also protects the collagen you already have by working against collagen-degrading enzymes8.* “Free radicals can cause wear and tear to all parts of the body, including the brain and mind,” explains Foley. However, as an antioxidant, vitamin C can help combat oxidative stress to support cognitive functions.* Vitamin C is important for the health of nerve cells as well, and those neurons send signals to and from the brain our entire lives!* “It supports the myelin sheath9 that protects [neurons], allowing for quicker impulse transmissions and quicker signals,”* says Amy Shapiro, M.S., R.D., CDN. Interestingly, proper formation of the myelin sheath is linked to vitamin-C-dependent collagen production10, proving how synergistic our bodies’ processes and essential nutrients like vitamin C truly are.* Nitric oxide is a powerful vasodilator, which means it dilates, or opens, blood vessels, which is critical for their optimal function and helps lower blood pressure.* But wait—there’s more. Vitamin C has diuretic properties, “causing the kidneys to remove more sodium and water from the body,”* says Foley. This “helps relax blood vessel walls and lower blood pressure.”* It can also maintain or restore flexibility in artery cell walls, which decreases plaque formation and improves blood flow, she adds.* Use caution if you already have low blood pressure, though. Due to the potential hypotensive effects of vitamin C, it’s best to check with your doctor first before starting supplementation. It’s also influenced by your intake of vitamin C, which plays a supportive role in iron absorption.* According to Shapiro, it turns non-heme iron—which is found in plants—into a more absorbable form.* (Vitamin C does this by supporting the solubility of iron in the small intestine).* This is important because non-heme iron (found in plant sources) isn’t as bioavailable as heme iron from animal sources. The nutrient “can also help reverse the inhibiting effect of other substances that delay iron absorption13, such as phytates in certain foods,”* adds Foley. So, for best results, Shapiro recommends consuming iron and vitamin C at the same meal.  As always, individuals with key health concerns should check with their healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen. Additionally, be mindful of how you store your vitamin C supplement. “Vitamin C is photolabile, which means it needs to be stored in a darker-colored bottle and out of direct sunlight,” says Barr. This will ensure that you “reap the benefits and maintain the potency of your product.”  “Ideally, you’re getting vitamin C from food, yet it can be hard to get enough in the diet to reap all of [its] benefits,” notes Foley. Vitamin C is a common gap in the American diet—in fact, 46% of U.S. adults15 aren’t consuming adequate amounts of vitamin C. So, if you think vitamin C supplements have a place in your wellness routine, consider mindbodygreen’s vitamin C potency+ for a premium, vegan formula delivering a 1,000-milligram dose of vitamin C with superior absorption and citrus bioflavonoid technology.*

What Are Vitamin C Supplements Good For  6 Main Benefits - 14What Are Vitamin C Supplements Good For  6 Main Benefits - 81What Are Vitamin C Supplements Good For  6 Main Benefits - 20What Are Vitamin C Supplements Good For  6 Main Benefits - 18