It’s never fun to discover a planet is going retrograde, especially during the holidays. (Consider yourself on notice to avoid that toxic ex, even if they send the sweetest, sexiest text when you’ve had three cups of brandied eggnog.) Retrogrades make us work harder, dig deeper and look into those agonizing shadows we’d rather avoid. But there’s a purpose to these “review periods,” too! If you’re willing to do the inner work, you’ll emerge with a clear vision of what’s right for you—and what steps you should take to make it a reality. Retrograde Venus offers a chance to plunge into a deep examination of how you “do” relationships. Ask yourself: You may start to notice the disparities between the longings of the heart and the rationale of your mind. Some people can only meet the criteria on one plane, and that’s fine! But people who can stir you at a soul level and anchor you in reality are the ones to keep around. Rare as they may be, they do exist. Since retrogrades rule the past, it’s possible you’re already acquainted or have been circling around each other’s orbits. Over the coming six weeks, your existing connections could deepen in unexpected ways. The 10th house also rules your career, and creative, value-minded Venus may illuminate the hidden treasures of your own capabilities. In driven Capricorn, leadership and expertise are highlighted. Maybe it’s time to enroll in a training program to sharpen your natural skills or start pouring your knowledge into a new training or workshop that you can offer online. In all your closest connections, put long-range goals on the table and see how they align. Though you may discover you want very different things, that doesn’t necessarily portend a breakup. Use the next six weeks to cleverly brainstorm ways you can support each other’s dreams. Heads up: To get through a rough patch, you may need to temporarily reconfigure finances. Are you still ruminating over the one that got away? Venus’ pivot could bring an old flame back into the picture; perhaps someone who moved away. If the connection is still strong, you may feel inspired to stoke the embers. Just don’t expect to have full clarity until la love planet corrects course on January 29. The good thing about a planetary retrograde is that it can help you plunge into deeper waters. If you raced ahead romantically without reviewing practical considerations (like, say, divergent life paths or different ideas about raising kids), here’s your chance to tap the brakes. Or maybe you’ve been hiding something that’s really important to you for fear of coming on too strong. Bare your soul, bit by bit. Eventually, anyone you date will find out the truth. That’s the beauty of true relationships, that you’re loved for all of who you are. Conversely, the object of your affections may share a deep, dark secret. Don your sexiest Sherlock cap and create a safe space for authentic communication. Ask questions in a relaxed tone—without expecting a “right answer.” If you hear something jarring, you don’t have to freak out. But definitely don’t sweep it under the rug. Between now and January 29 you may be doing some hard-core negotiating to figure out if your styles mesh—and if you can establish enough trust to accompany the lust! Retrogrades stir up the past, and things could heat up with an old flame again. But if you text a toxic ex on NYE, don’t kid yourself about developing a friendship. Just follow this three-step plan: ignore, delete, block! Buckle up, buttercup: If the holidays alone don’t excavate buried issues, Venus’ backspin will. An ex could resurface with unfinished business, perhaps the second chance you’ve been hoping for. But be careful about opening those doors while Venus muddles your judgment. Some Cancers may be torn between two lovers, or uncertain about what the right next steps are. Allow yourself to consider “unconventional” arrangements and don’t force the script of someone else’s love story to be the narrative of yours. This will shake out over the next six weeks if you stay honest—with yourself most of all—and have the difficult dialogues Venus retrograding through this no-nonsense sign demands. Happily coupled Crabs can take advantage of this window to enjoy nostalgic bonding. Organize your honeymoon photos into a printable album (finally!) or take a long weekend trip to that adorable ski town where you had your first couples’ getaway.  Between now and January 29, you’re directed to slow down and take a measured approach to your feelings. You don’t have to react to every whim and mood; in fact, learning the art of restraint can be a game-changer. Instead of firing off an angry text, turn on that fitness video, do a 10-minute meditation, pour yourself a mug of calming herbal tea. If you must unleash, take it up with your journal or save that message to drafts. Once your rational brain has taken hold again (instead of your reptilian one), you’ll be so glad you waited. In fact, you might even realize that you need to be a little more supportive of your partner’s goals. Take a look at your routines. Do they bring you pleasure or are you a stressed-out wreck at the end of each day? Now’s the time to tune your schedule and systems so you can bring your whole life into better balance. With beauty queen Venus retreating here, self-care is the ultimate glow-up. Nourish your body with clean, green food—and make sure that you’re eating at regular intervals to keep your energy from spiking and crashing. Getting your gut health up to snuff will boost your immunity. Do you keep hitting the same wall in a relationship? Attached Virgos may find themselves dialing in for couples’ therapy or a coaching session to process this recurring issue. Take heart: Even while retrograde, Venus helps you deal diplomatically. This backspin takes place through your fifth house of fame, helping you polish up your public image. Have you been hesitant to step into your true power or really promote yourself? Use this six-week cycle to rework your “branding,” and don’t rush. Start by mood-boarding sites that captivate you with their words and graphics. Take a more curated approach to your social media, which might involve hiding and deleting posts and photos that aren’t really “2022 Virgo.” As the planet of love and romance, retrograde Venus reminds you that like attracts like. To draw in an emotionally aware partner, you have to be tuned in to your own inner workings. By honoring your sentient self, your existing relationships will also improve. Bottom line: It’s not frivolous to feel! With the astrological aesthete spinning back through your home zone, you may suddenly see everything that’s “wrong” with Maison d’ Libra. But this judgment-skewing cycle won’t exactly bring out your best design eye. Start the mood boards and wait until January 29 before you turn your Mid-century dining room into a tiki bar.  Under this flirtatious cycle, single Scorpios may feel the sparks with someone from the friend zone. Advance carefully because feelings will run hot and cold. Plus, this could all get so much more complicated than you bargained for. If you’re on the fence, keep feelings in the “secret crush” category for now. Ask the obvious questions like, “Are you in a relationship?” You could attract people who are seductive but not exactly available—a mirror for any buried uncertainty you have about being “tied down.” (Tied up, on the other hand…now we’re talking!) If you’re not feeling all hot and bothered for your S.O. over the holidays, don’t freak out. Focus on strengthening the friendship aspect of your bond. You could fall back in love with each other’s minds (and the brain is the “biggest organ” in the human body). Abandonment issues may flare up periodically, especially if your romantic life is in flux. Don’t expect your partner to make it all better for you. Constant bids for reassurance could drain bae’s patience. (And frankly, Sag, “thirsty” is not a good look for you.) Instead, get yourself into a nurturing routine that involves regular workouts, healthy eating, and developing your personal interests. It probably won’t take more than 24 hours to get back to confidence once you remember how much you love reading fiction, watercolor painting, and listening to business podcasts. Warning: Stubbornness and righteousness could interrupt peaceful coexistence. Are you the rare Archer who backs down too quickly from a fight? Look out world! This retrograde will give you the spine to push back against any “strong personalities.” But if anger and frustration have built up, don’t unleash that rage on loved ones. First, try to burn it off with exercise. Even while retrograde, Venus wants to help you bring back the loving feelings; not burn those bridges to the ground. Remember this, however: Relationships are a mirror. If you don’t like what’s coming your way, reflect on what you’re serving. Single Caps might take a Tinder timeout so you can strengthen your own confident core. Attached? Give yourself the space you need to feel like a whole human, not a voluntary inmate in the couple bubble. Since Venus is the cosmic creatrix, use this slower window to develop an artistic or musical project. Venus retrograde can help you plunge into more intimate places with all people—lovers, friends, potential partners, whoever. And for a change, you’ll have the patience to plunge into these emotional investigations. Hold off on any radical haircuts or color jobs. These updates could lead to regrets with beauty queen Venus in reverse. Take on a self-love challenge instead, embracing the natural wonder that you are. Got some heart healing to do? You may be taking inventory of past loves and losses. Did you recently weather a breakup, loss, or a disappointing experience in life? Are you still hanging on to some residual pain from a relationship that didn’t work out years ago? The time has come to finish your grieving so you can put this one to bed for good. You might even create a mourning ritual for moving through the pain. What parts of this person or situation will you always love (and really miss for a while)? Set up a temporary altar with photos or objects, allowing yourself to feel the grief fully as you sit before it. By January 29, you might even be ready to build a fire and do a ceremonial burning of a few of those mementos—or else pack them away in storage. Slow down and, if you’re still single, think about chatting up multiple people instead of rushing into exclusivity. If you’ve had an unrequited crush on someone who keeps flitting in and out of your heart, this is the time to be more hard-core. If this person isn’t ready to be with you now, don’t take yourself off the market as you wait for them to come around. And if you can’t cut ’em out, limit communication to “out of practical necessity only.” Coupled Pisces may have some real negotiating to do about your shared future, especially if your relationship devolved into a power struggle; or, maybe you’re having trouble expressing your deep-down needs. It might be wise to book an appointment with a couples’ therapist who can help you listen to each other. Even if things are going great, there’s always room to grow. How about using your holiday time to take an online course together, especially one that enhances communication or deepens intimacy?

Venus Retrograde 2021  What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign - 96Venus Retrograde 2021  What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign - 60Venus Retrograde 2021  What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign - 17Venus Retrograde 2021  What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign - 34Venus Retrograde 2021  What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign - 39Venus Retrograde 2021  What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign - 73Venus Retrograde 2021  What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign - 5