It’s really convenient to blame any tension, confusion, or disagreements with our boyfriends or potential partners on the idea that “men are just different.” But the truth is, no two men will be exactly the same in the ways they approach relationships. If you feel like you don’t understand the way your partner is behaving, that’s not because he’s a guy—it’s because he’s not you. He’s a whole, separate human being who does not think the same way you do, and to understand how he thinks and what he wants, you’re going to need to just ask him. Nothing you read on the internet will fully explain why the particular man you’re dealing with is the way he is. Only he can tell you. “Different genders are socialized differently and, generally speaking, often have different societal expectations,” explains Jesse Kahn, LCSW, CST, sex therapist and director at The Gender & Sexuality Therapy Center. “Of course, people push back on the ways in which their world is trying to socialize them and push back on those expectations. However, this difference could have impacts on how people think, interact, and navigate the world.” That means the differences between men and women are not inherent: Women are not “naturally” better at talking about their feelings, and men are not “naturally” more logical. It’s important not to make assumptions about what your man is and isn’t capable of based on his gender, nor to pigeonhole him into certain stereotypes. Don’t assume how he feels about things just because he’s a man. If your boyfriend or partner asks for space, ask them what they mean by that and why they need it. It’s totally normal to want alone time in a relationship, but you shouldn’t make assumptions about why they need it. Ask for clarity about what your man is experiencing when he asks for space so you can better understand what they need and whether you’re able to give it to him. If you’re feeling lonely in your relationship, you can tell him that. Open and honest communication is the key to figuring out the best way to approach these situations so that everybody’s needs are being met. Some people do experience fear when falling in love—because it’s really scary to be that vulnerable! When you’re falling in love, you have the possibility of getting hurt. Some people instinctively run away from serious relationships because they’re too afraid of that possibility of heartbreak. Again, it’s easier to choose to leave yourself than to suffer through a possible rejection. This behavior is common among people with an avoidant attachment style. Your attachment style is your way of behaving in relationships, and it’s shaped based on your earliest interactions with your first caregivers (more on that here). The three main adult attachment styles are secure attachment (you can easily love and be loved by others), anxious attachment style (you tend to need a lot of attention and validation to feel love), and avoidant attachment style (you tend to need a lot of space and can feel suffocated in relationships). Some research suggests men are more likely to develop an avoidant attachment style, potentially because of the aforementioned differences in how boys and girls are treated in childhood. “Generally speaking, I don’t think men are afraid of commitment,” Kahn adds. “One could argue that because masculinity can be associated with not being vulnerable, and commitment and intimacy involve vulnerability, that some men may appear or experience fear or resistance to commitment.” “As a therapist, I talk to men all the time about their emotions,” he explains. “With that said, a lot of the men I’ve worked with communicate feeling pressure or being socialized to avoid talking about sadness, emotional pain, relationship or emotional hardship, vulnerability, and any emotions they have internalized as weak.” If you’re with a man who struggles to talk about his emotions, be gentle and encouraging with him. Ask him questions that help him open up, and express gratitude when he does—even if his feelings are difficult for you to hear. Give him positive reinforcement when he does talk about his feelings so that he knows he’s safe with you. Lack of communication can ruin a relationship, so this is definitely an area to work on for any couples in which talking about feelings is difficult. Here are a few ways to boost emotional intelligence. If you feel like your partner is not meeting your needs or giving you the things you want in a relationship, talk to him about it. It’s very well possible that he doesn’t know what your expectations or desires are, and a conversation about it can make all the difference. Don’t expect him to “just know.” In general, though, just remember: Men are just like any other human being. They want to be complimented, taken care of, challenged, listened to, and loved just like the rest of us. With her warm, playful approach to coaching and facilitation, Kelly creates refreshingly candid spaces for processing and healing challenges around dating, sexuality, identity, body image, and relationships. She’s particularly enthusiastic about helping softhearted women get re-energized around the dating experience and find joy in the process of connecting with others. She believes relationships should be easy—and that, with room for self-reflection and the right toolkit, they can be. You can stay in the loop about her latest programs, gatherings, and other projects through her newsletter:

Understanding Men In Relationships  7 Truths About How Guys Think - 94Understanding Men In Relationships  7 Truths About How Guys Think - 42Understanding Men In Relationships  7 Truths About How Guys Think - 3Understanding Men In Relationships  7 Truths About How Guys Think - 66