Certain sounds which cannot be translated into a literal meaning but have the power to create great transformative growth and expansion in humans at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels are known as “Bija” or Seed Mantras. To truly understand the transformative power of “Bija Mantras, we need to realize that any form of sound in the universe is vibrational energy. Human speech or words is also a combination of sound waves each of which resonates at specific vibrational frequencies. According to ancient Indian texts as well as the latest works in quantum physics, the whole universe was created through cosmic sound energy which was then followed by heat and light energy and eventually life forms. So sound vibrations are intimately connected to our “prana” or “life energy”. How Bija Mantras Work In Vedic healing and spiritual traditions, specific mono syllable seed sounds or “Bija Mantras” were developed to create balance and harmony in the human body, mind and soul. Each and every part of our body functions at a specific rhythm and pulse and when all our systems are balanced and tuned with each other we experience perfect harmony and health. On the other hand, any imbalance in our body can lead to mental, physical or emotional dis-ease. Sound therapy is a very effective way to heal and rejuvenate ourselves as every cell in our body is mainly composed of water which makes them excellent sound resonators! Thanks to the recent developments in the field of Psychoacoustics, the ancient practice of using sound energy for holistic healing practices is now gaining even more credibility! In yoga there are 7 specific Bija Mantras that vibrationally align our energy centers or chakras through sound energy:

  1. Root Chakra – Bija mantra: LAM (Pronouncd as lum in alum )
  2. Sacral Chakra – VAM (vum as in thumb)
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra – RAM (rum)
  4. Heart Chakra – YAM (yum as in yummy)
  5. Throat Chakra – HAM (hum as in humming)
  6. Third Eye Chakra – U ( u as in uber)
  7. Crown Chakra – Om (aum) You can chant each mantra while lying down or by sitting in a cross legged meditation pose. You can focus on a particular chakra and chant its specific seed mantra repetitively in one sitting or do all seven in succession one after the other. Remember that positive mantras are very powerful even when they are chanted silently. The expansion of the mind from the “I” into the all encompassing cosmic energy is a wondrous transformation. Let us all lead each other through this divine journey with unconditional love, light and joy!

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