When we look at what skin aging actually is from Eastern perspectives, it is a slowing down of circulation of blood, otherwise known as “life force” (and referred to as prana or chi in texts). When we age, it’s a slowing in the circulation of nutrient-rich blood and detoxifying lymph and increasingly sluggish skin-cell turnover1. My goal is to bring life, vitality, and nutrients by way of increased circulation2. I want to release any blockages in the muscles, skin, and fascia that are preventing optimal circulation and release tension that we don’t need to carry with us. When we release tension and restore optimal circulation, deep lines can soften, skin becomes rosy and plump again, and worry and strain can melt from the face. So this can (sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly) give the effect of Botox with glowing skin, improved texture, and more plumpness, but it actually imparts a much deeper healing. The benefits of this work resonate with a feeling of well-being throughout the nervous system and psyche as well as being seen and felt on the face, much like bodywork. Superficial fascia is the layer of connective tissue right under the skin on the face. It acts as the support and infrastructure for your skin and is responsible for giving it lift and tone. It can also carry a lot of tension and adhesions that restrict circulation of blood and lymph2. If you’ve ever used a foam roller on tight legs, think of how much softer one leg feels after rolling when compared to the unrolled leg. Foam rolling is a form of self-administered myofascial release, and that is what we want to do for the face! All you need is a few drops of facial oil for slip and glide (whatever you use on the regular is ideal). Try this using flat fingers of one hand, while the opposite hand supports, or use a gua sha board. Pick one side to start with. Do that full side of the face, then repeat everything on side two. The hand on the side you are working will do the movements; the opposite hand supports. Move slowly, with intention, and focus on feeling a gentle stretch in the skin. Remember to breathe as you do this. Seeing each client’s need for personalized, skin-positive care, Plug weaves ancient and modern modes of healing into Facial Attunement™. She calls upon a wide array of techniques, from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda to detoxifying massage and LED therapy, for a tailored experience.

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