The latter becomes especially tricky, as restaurants tend to be places to gather and socially connect, emphasis on the gathering. But how can we possibly return to our favorite culinary gold mines while practicing safe social distancing? Kimbal Musk, known for his entrepreneurial expertise in the restaurant space and for being brother to Elon, may just have the answer.  So, what will the restaurant scene look like post COVID-19? Musk has some thoughts, plus what he hopes to accomplish with his own spaces. While there’s no sure way to predict the future, relying on one of the Musk brothers (especially one who owns three restaurants, a food learning nonprofit, and an urban farming company) is perhaps a safe bet for now. Aside from limiting interaction with staff, Musk says an influx of technology in the restaurant space can allow you to focus more on your companions. While you might think technology may sabotage human connection, Musk actually thinks it’ll do quite the opposite: Implementing technology, he says, can foster more hospitality and connection.  “We’ve all been in a restaurant where you just want to order another round of drinks, or you’re waiting a long time for the check,” he says. “Those are easy things technology can solve.” Meaning, if you could order (and pay) from your phone, it could take away those long waiting times at the bar, leaving room for more social interaction with friends.  Additionally, Musk explains that the ease of online ordering can increase social connection (and sales, for that matter). Perhaps you want to order another round of drinks because you’re spending more time than you thought you would with your friends. If it’s difficult to grab the waiter or squeeze your way up to the bar, you might be deterred from spending those extra minutes with friends. If you can order another round at the tap of a button, you may feel more inclined to stay and socialize.  Technology entering the food space may sound a little unnerving, sure, but Musk reminds us that we implement technology into restaurants all the time: “A plate is technology—we invented it at one point,” he says. Consider online ordering the next necessary step for the hospitality space.  As for Musk’s restaurants, “We’re going to do it super safely,” he says. First, once it’s deemed safe, he plans to open at 50% capacity with online ordering technology (again, for the safety of the staff since they see so many guests in a day). “Within a few weeks, we should be able to see if it causes a spike in infections. It doesn’t take long to see the impact,” he continues.  If there is no significant impact, he’ll slowly move to 75% occupancy, then to full capacity. However, he realizes he’s not in the clear once he reaches 100%: “At any point we may need to drop back to 75% or 50%,” he says, assuming the rates of infection go back up. “We need this thoughtful reopening strategy, so we aren’t forced to close again. That would be absolutely the nail in the coffin.” The process itself won’t be as easy as it sounds outlined here, but the benefits of safely gathering again will be well worth it. Whether you own a restaurant yourself or are simply aching to treat your partner to dinner once again, you may expect the space to look a little different than it did pre-pandemic. Strange, sure, but hey—that’s our new normal.

The New Normal For Restaurants Post Pandemic  From A Restaurateur - 37The New Normal For Restaurants Post Pandemic  From A Restaurateur - 15The New Normal For Restaurants Post Pandemic  From A Restaurateur - 84