While there isn’t a significant amount of research to show a direct association between essential oils and thyroid health, there are some studies that indicate essential oils may help, plus anecdotal evidence from integrative medical practitioners. Both lavender and bergamot essential oils may help your body to naturally lower its cortisol levels while helping to calm the mind and body. Studies show powerful evidence for lowered cortisol levels2 in only 10 minutes of simply inhaling the scent of calming oils, such as lavender. Lavender and rosemary essential oils may also inhibit the free radical attacks on your body and lower cortisol levels simultaneously3. When blended with oils that support cellular health like frankincense, you can have a powerful support remedy ready for you at any moment. Add in some wild orange or lemon for a detoxing top note, and you have your own thyroid health perfume!  Another amazing option is diffusing essential oils. Whether you simply inhale the aroma or use a cool-mist nebulizing diffuser, the essential oils can have an instantaneous effect on your bodily cortisol levels.  Because the thyroid helps to naturally filter out toxins, supporting your body with natural detoxifying agents like citrus essential oils can really give your body a head start. Try adding lemon or wild orange essential oil to your water infusions or smoothies for extra support (just read my article on ingesting essential oils, first). Here’s a recipe for one of my favorite water infusions that will support your body’s natural systems of detox. In a 2-quart infusion pitcher, add the lemon and berries and lemon essential oil. Add ice to your pitcher and fill with water. Allow the blend to steep for at least 30 minutes, but the strongest flavor will come after 2 to 3 hours. Be sure to stir your water before serving. Thyroid supportive blends should include clove essential oil, which has antioxidants4 that can keep free radicals from overloading the thyroid and support your liver in the process. Frankincense and myrrh essential oils also provide anti-inflammatory power that keeps your thyroid from stress due to inflammation and can help to support your body as it rebalances and detoxes. Another amazing option is lemongrass essential oil, which has been proven as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent5 that can help to detox your thyroid while supporting natural lymphatic function. Any carrier oil that you prefer can be added to a glass rollerball bottle for an on-the-go remedy and support that will help to maintain your calm and keep those hormonal levels at a harmonious balance.  In a 10-mL glass rollerball bottle, add the essential oils and then fill to the top with a carrier oil of your choice, such as fractionated coconut oil or sweet almond oil. Recap and swirl to combine. Roll directly on the thyroid to support your body with aromatherapy and topically 3 to 4 times throughout the day. Loving your hormones with essential oils and mindfulness-based stress reduction is a powerful path toward better health. Your thyroid will benefit but so will the rest of your bodily functions. In addition, take the time to get your body moving and fuel it with clean protein and plant-based nutrition. Be sure to get enough sleep and get those stress levels managed with deep breathing routines supported by the power of essential oil. Supporting your thyroid with rollerball remedies that can reduce inflammation and encourage detoxing will get you on the right track to thyroid success and hormonal balance.

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