While some people might be naturally stronger in one of the four clairs (and you can find out which clair is strongest for you using this quiz), everyone can improve their intuition and experiment with new methods. Messages that arrive clairaudiently for clients during readings are usually straightforward, like “wait until after graduation” or “ask for a monthly retainer.” Clairaudience often offers short messages, like Yoda from Star Wars. Sometimes the message will be only one word or number. For instance, I may receive the message that the client’s subconscious blocks were triggered by a traumatic event when she was “13” or that the client might want her next career to be “nursing” or that her husband’s name is “Frank.” And while I often hear cliches like “the timing is right” or “he’s the one” or “she only wants what she can’t have,” clairaudient messages can also be poetic. Clairvoyant messages, which arrive as an image or scene in my mind, usually come as a metaphor. If the client is overwhelmed I might see them drowning or carrying some large bundle on their back. If I see an image of the continental plates shifting or the ground shaking beneath someone’s feet, it means the client is experiencing such dramatic life changes that nothing feels stable. If a client is looking for a new job or business partnership, I might see them fishing, with lots of little fish swimming by their line. This might mean the client should wait for the “big fish,” or the really plum offer. If I see a weathervane whipping this way and that in the wind, it might mean that the client’s lover is changeable or unpredictable. These are just examples—the images are usually different for every client, which makes my job fun! Gut instincts, being able to read the emotions of others, or sensing the collective energy of a room all fall under this umbrella. Before I get on the phone with a client I can usually get a feeling for their energy: bubbly, serious, outgoing, highly intellectual, nurturing. Whenever I give a client a message and I get chills all over, I know the message is important for the client to hear. If someone has physical ailments, I will often feel them briefly before or during the call in my own body (my knee will ache if the client just had surgery there, or a sensation will run through my tummy if digestion is an issue for the client). My throat will often feel tight briefly during a session if the client’s throat chakra, which is how we express ourselves and our emotions, is closed off. This intuitive ability is called claircognizance. It’s when our brains get an immediate download from our intuition, just like when you download a large amount of information into your computer’s hard drive. Although when it happens to a human brain, the download occurs within a few seconds. No waiting patiently for a large file to load—your intuition has a great connection! Your intuition is always listening and could have some amazing answers for you.

The 4 Clairs Of Intuition   How To Tap Into Each - 32The 4 Clairs Of Intuition   How To Tap Into Each - 2The 4 Clairs Of Intuition   How To Tap Into Each - 62The 4 Clairs Of Intuition   How To Tap Into Each - 42The 4 Clairs Of Intuition   How To Tap Into Each - 21The 4 Clairs Of Intuition   How To Tap Into Each - 81The 4 Clairs Of Intuition   How To Tap Into Each - 62The 4 Clairs Of Intuition   How To Tap Into Each - 31