There are a few reasons for the growing popularity of these sticks. First, people have become hyperconscious of what ingredients they are putting on their body, including parabens, phthalates, and in the case of antiperspirant, aluminum, too. While there’s still debate in the beauty space about what exactly aluminum does to the body, and whether we should be that concerned about using it topically, the conversation is enough to give many pause.  The second reason that some are making the switch is because natural deodorants have gotten so much better. The stick uses a combo of odor-blocking ingredients, natural fragrances, and actives to neutralize the bacteria and enzymes that cause B.O. The result? Products that do the work, keeping you smelling fresh all day long. (Here, we should note that deodorants will not stop you from sweating—like antiperspirants—they simply stop you from smelling.)  If you’re looking to make the switch, here are our favorite picks. These are marketed toward men, but you can use them no matter how you identify. 

The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 12The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 11The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 42The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 73The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 75The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 40The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 38The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 14The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 97The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 18The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 63The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 19The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 31The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 1The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 48The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 80The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 14The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 59The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 3The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 47The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 34The 11 Best Natural   Organic Deodorants For Men In 2023 - 31