Butterfly Sex Position What It Is 7 Ways To Nail It

Make sure that the giver doesn’t have to reach up onto their tippy-toes—they should be able to stand comfortably and sturdily. The person being penetrated then fans out their knees to the side and rests their feet on the penetrator’s shoulders.

January 4, 2023 · 1 min · 41 words · Mary Malloy

Calendula Benefits 4 Major Beauty Benefits How To Use It

This is because flowers—rose and lavender, for example—contain important nutrients, anti-inflammatory benefits, and skin-healing properties. Here’s another one to add to your arsenal, if you haven’t already—as its skin care benefits certainly deserve your attention. For skin care purposes, what you’re applying to your skin is actually calendula oil. The oil is extracted from the petals, stems, and seeds (much like rose is typically rose oil). “Calendula oil is an extract obtained from the marigold plant,” board-certified dermatologist Joshua Zeichner, M....

January 4, 2023 · 1 min · 125 words · Leonel Tilley

Can Gluten Cause Acne Here S How I Realized It Did For Me

Among those trigger foods? Gluten. I’m considered “gluten sensitive,” which doesn’t fall under the clinical umbrella of celiac disease, so I don’t face as dire consequences as someone with celiac. But I figured the best way to find out exactly how gluten was affecting my body would be to cut it all out and see what happened. I was focused. I’d given up my beloved morning toast; I was finding a greater love for fruits and veggies....

January 4, 2023 · 3 min · 433 words · Sam Brown

Can Immunotherapy Eliminate Your Allergies We Asked The Experts

With Curex, you no longer have to leave your home for treatment or clinical care. As a part of your plan, you get unlimited telehealth visits with your clinician to ensure your symptoms are being properly managed throughout the duration of treatment. To get the full scoop on allergies, immunotherapy, and how Curex is changing the game, we chatted with allergists and immunotherapy experts Chet Tharpe, M.D., and Neeta Ogden, M....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 302 words · Debra Hernandez

Can You Use Hydrocolloid As A Pore Strip Derms Explain

And one concept we can’t seem to get away from is the ever-present pore strip. These were popularized by drugstore brands decades ago, and we’ve seen variations of this product that range from knockoff brands to DIY peel-off pastes to now hydrocolloid patches. As board-certified dermatologist Hadley King, M.D., has previously told mbg, they can cause irritation if you’re not super careful. “The adhesive can traumatize the skin, so be sure to use them carefully and follow the instructions,” she says....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 260 words · Dominga Husk

Combine Fasting Holistic Health In This Four Week Program

In the excerpt below, glimpse the fascinating science behind intermittent fasting and the “hidden benefits” taking place at a cellular level to affect your long-term health. Get started on Cole’s four-week program by buying your own copy of his book here. This is especially true when you take into account the onslaught of stressors cells are exposed to in modern life. Intermittent fasting has been shown to improve cellular function, increase the healing of stem cells, and improve resilience against a wide range of stressors, including metabolic, oxidative, traumatic, and proteotoxic stressors (which include things like damaged proteins)....

January 4, 2023 · 5 min · 862 words · Alex Cruz

Dreaming Of Missing A Flight 5 Potential Meanings What To Do

Loewenberg notes that if you are someone who deals with a lot of deadlines in your line of work, you may have to work on time management skills to mitigate some of that underlying stress. Or, alternatively, if your time management is just fine, perhaps you’re simply being too hard on yourself. And in general, “Once you are able to connect the dream to the issue that your subconscious is trying to help you with, and then you start working to correct that issue, the dream stops,” she notes....

January 4, 2023 · 1 min · 89 words · Ruth Huntsman

Dry Skin Around The Nose What Causes It What To Do

It’s a tricky little area; that’s for certain. So when you are trying to identify what your dry nose’s cause is, you have several avenues to consider. But don’t worry; we outline them here—with some fixes, too: We all have a plethora of fungal and bacterial strains on us (called the microbiome), and this is actually what helps keep our skin strong, healthy, and barrier protected. However, sometimes something triggers us internally to respond negatively to these organisms; that’s when you get eczema (or dermatitis)....

January 4, 2023 · 3 min · 533 words · Diana Simon

Experts Explain What Causes Dark Circles How To Deal

If you feel like you’ve tried everything, you might want to start over with a new goal: Rather than trying every product under the sun to lighten those half-moons under your eyes, you should work to find the root cause. This discoloration is starkly different from eye bags in terms of cause and appearance. Eye bags are consistent outpourings of tissue below the eye that are “usually caused by fat herniation as the tissue becomes less firm with age,” Marcus says....

January 4, 2023 · 4 min · 808 words · Richard Pryor

Hair Porosity Test The 1 Minute Trick Hair Care Tips

One of the most critical things to know about your hair is its porosity. Let’s dive in, shall we? “Hair porosity describes how the hair’s cuticle absorbs and holds on to moisture in its pores—hence, the term porosity,” says hairstylist Miko Branch, co-founder of hair care brand Miss Jessie’s. Now, hair porosity is a spectrum, ranging from high to low. It’s good to know roughly where you fall on it, as it can determine how you care for and style your strands....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 280 words · Fran Sullivan

Here S How This One Device Can Revamp Your Whole Skin Care Routine

These microcurrents actually mirror the body’s natural electrical currents, helping to tone facial muscles, tighten the skin, and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. To put it even more simply: This tech is like a workout for your face. (Where do we sign up?) We know that electrical impulses sound a little intense, but the BEAR also features an Anti-Shock System™ with ultra-smart sensors that scan and measure your skin’s resistance to electricity faster than you can blink (literally)....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 278 words · Santiago Fowler

How Deepak Chopra Stays Clear Present Positive

His daily routine is as admirable as it is unorthodox—he doesn’t so much “take a day off” as he does shape every day to fit his needs. He believes in being present, doing what you feel like, and living a “clear” life. Here’s a small taste of his schedule, straight from the source. Whatever time I go to bed, I make sure I get eight hours of sleep, and I make sure that at least 90 minutes is in deep sleep, and another 90 minutes is in a dream state....

January 4, 2023 · 3 min · 557 words · Holly Wax

How Stress Causes Hair Loss Mental Health Tips To Help

Hair loss in general can be caused by a plethora of factors, from diet to topical products to hairstyling choices. Often, it’s a combination of a few that are at the root of it. This is why identifying the underlying cause of your loss is all the more confusing. Stress causes a spike in the hormone cortisol (which is why it’s called the “stress hormone”). When excessive cortisol is present in the body, it can wreak havoc: With hair, it can force the hair to enter and stay in resting phase (telogen) as nutrients are redirected to other, more vital areas of the body....

January 4, 2023 · 5 min · 971 words · Edith Chapman

How Tea Coffee Affect Iron Absorption From A Nutritionist

Hill brought up this surprising tidbit during an episode of the mindbodygreen podcast—and we were just as shocked as you might be. Allow us to break it down. “If you’re on a plant-based diet and you’re only eating non-heme sources of iron, like beans,” Wachob says, “you’ve got to think about combos to improve iron absorption.” And while there are plenty of food combinations that can enhance iron absorption (vitamin C-rich foods, for example), Hill says it’s equally important to pay attention to those that might hinder it....

January 4, 2023 · 1 min · 116 words · Camille Ashmore

How This Supplement Can Help Manage Summertime Oxidative Stress

Let’s dive into what you need to know. Oxidative stress starts with molecules called free radicals1. They’re created as byproducts of exposure to sources like UV damage and air pollution (among other things, but these two are most prominent in the summer). Your body can fight these free radicals on their own, but if there’s too many, that’s when issues arise: Excess free radicals can damage cellular structures, including DNA and cell membranes2....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 246 words · Patricia Rowell

How To Care For Orchids Indoors Expert Tips To Know

While it’s true that some types of the flowering plant require special care, others are pretty easy to tend to at home—no portable greenhouse or expensive LED grow lights required. Here, orchid lovers with a combined hundreds of plants between them share their top tips for nursing these beauties into bloom again and again. But even though there are lots of orchids out there, it doesn’t mean a beginner should try their hand at growing all of them....

January 4, 2023 · 4 min · 678 words · Mary Sinegal

How To Channel Competitive And Jealous Energy Positively

It seems to exist in all facets of society, from the workplace to the dating world. Don’t get me wrong — competition can be fun and stimulating, as long as it doesn’t activate our shadow side. This thought process can cause us to harbor an unhealthy sense of jealousy and self-pity every time we compare ourselves to people who seem to be doing better than we are. If we aren’t careful, this can spiral out of control and lead to a desire to sabotage the success and happiness of others with gossip or backstabbing....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 260 words · Hazel Collier

How To Communicate With You Narcissistic Ex

There will likely be times that you need to communicate with your ex—especially while you’re still figuring out the logistics of the split, and even more so if you must co-parent. And most likely, communication issues were a big part of the reason your relationship didn’t work anyway. Narcissists are known for playing games and being childish in communication—ignoring you, manipulating you, just generally making things difficult—and probably making you want to pull your hair out....

January 4, 2023 · 1 min · 209 words · Burt Smith

How To Detach From Someone Advice From Therapists

Removing someone from your life fully isn’t always possible. Sometimes, there are certain relationships where they still have to be a part of your life—at least for the time being until you can change the situation. In such cases, putting parameters around the connection to protect your energy becomes much needed. Learning how to emotionally detach while maintaining clear boundaries is the key to finding peace. “Emotionally detaching from someone involves taking a step back from your relationship,” licensed psychologist Lauren Napolitano, Psy....

January 4, 2023 · 6 min · 1109 words · Brandon Goodwin

How To Do Crunches Correctly To Strengthen Your Abdominals

Of course if you’re doing crunches incorrectly, they can strain your neck and put undue tension on your body—but with proper execution, this can actually be a great move to add to your workouts for a little extra burn. Breathing through the movement and making sure to keep your crunches slow will also most effectively target your muscles, firing up the upper abs and obliques as you contract your core....

January 4, 2023 · 1 min · 90 words · Joann Allen