5 Journaling Prompts From Be Antiracist By Ibram X Kendi

We must continuously reflect on ourselves so we can reflect on our society. We must continuously strive to be anti-racist so we can build an anti-racist society, an anti-racist society not governed by fear and hate and cynicism but one of equity and justice and truth. An anti-racist society governed by curiosity, and love, and hope, honoring humanity in all its fullness.

January 5, 2023 · 1 min · 62 words · Nancy Stidham

5 Things A Feng Shui Expert Doesn T Keep In Her Home

Okay, it’s not an exact science and I sometimes get it wrong, but you’d be shocked by how often I get it right. So pay attention if you have any of the following feng shui no-no’s in your home, because they could be affecting your health, wealth, well-being, or love life in a profound way. No matter what your relationship with your home is like, you can use feng shui as a silent teacher for self-learning....

January 5, 2023 · 1 min · 167 words · John Kozak

5 Tricks To Keep Working Out No Matter How Busy You Are

But if you’re like most people, you’re also probably really good at making excuses not to work out. Because let’s face it: you’re busy. And although you know that working out should be a top priority, life too often gets in the way. So, here are five tricks to keep a consistent workout schedule, even if you’re really busy: All you really need is 10 or 15 minutes of intense exercise, like high-intensity interval training (HIIT), to get fitter than you ever thought possible....

January 5, 2023 · 3 min · 617 words · Mario Melton

5 Ways To Avoid Bloat Gas From Beans According To Experts

To make your nutritious bean-filled meals a little easier on your stomach, mindbodygreen reached out to the top experts for their best tips on managing bean-induced bloat: Bonus: It also removes any metallic flavor that may have soaked in. While not all strains are effective at doing this job, Miller says, “a good blend of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains can aid in breaking down resistant starches and reducing gas.”* If you’re short on time, holistic nutritionist Kelly LeVeque says, “pressure cooking dried beans is a fast and easy alternative to soaking that can decrease unwanted gas....

January 5, 2023 · 1 min · 188 words · Carolyn Ritz

5 Ways To Get Back In Shape According To A Fitness Trainer

Yeah, we’ve all been there. While you should never expect to magically get fit the second you start working out and eating healthier, there are some ways to maximize up your results. As a fitness trainer, here are five habits that have helped me get in shape efficiently, and may help you, too. Full-body exercises are more functional, anyway, and will help you more in real-life situations (think: lifting a suitcase over your head in an airplane or playing with your kid at the playground)....

January 5, 2023 · 2 min · 272 words · Laura Guerrero

5 Ways To Stay Positive When People Drain Your Energy

Below are 5 ways to remain positive around negative people we cannot avoid or don’t want to remove from our lives.

January 5, 2023 · 1 min · 21 words · Laura Albert

555 Angel Number Meaning Symbolism For Love Twin Flames More

“A great way to understand the energetic value of a number is by putting it in context to other numbers,” Richardson tells mbg. The number one, for example, represents initiation and new beginnings, while the number nine represents endings and completion. These number sequences have a way of appearing right when we need a certain message, acting as messages from the universe or guides. You could be thinking about an exciting opportunity, for instance, and then see 111 in a phone number....

January 5, 2023 · 2 min · 376 words · Barbara Goad

7 Best Resistance Bands For Your Glutes In 2023 Trainer Tips

Here’s what CPTs and fitness experts want you to look for in a resistance band that will fire up your glutes, plus seven of the best bands for your workouts and how to use them effectively. “Resistance bands allow for constant activation in the glutes, which can help build muscular strength and enhance form,” explains Maeve McEwen, CPT, a lead trainer at P.volve. “Resistance band exercises and weights are a great combination if your goal is building your glutes....

January 5, 2023 · 5 min · 951 words · Jeffrey Grigsby

7 Homemade Recipes For A Diy Weed Killer 3 Ingredients Or Less

“The main culprits that cause weeds to suddenly break dormancy and grow like crazy are soil disturbance, bare or underplanted soil, insufficient water, poor drainage, sudden changes in soil temperature, and over-fertilization,” Greer adds. In other words, weeds are everywhere, waiting to happen! And beyond being an eyesore to some, certain weeds can affect the overall health of your garden over time (though others are totally harmless and even beneficial)....

January 5, 2023 · 2 min · 259 words · Amy Candelaria

7 Research Backed Vitamins For Healthy Glowing Skin

The truth is: not all skin care ingredients are created equal. In fact, understanding which vitamins are beneficial for your skin type can make the world of difference when tackling common skin concerns like dark spots, elasticity, signs of aging, dullness, and uneven tone.* As board-certified holistic dermatologist Gary Goldfaden, M.D., previously told mbg, starting in your 20s, ““the amount of new collagen that your skin produces declines while the rate of its destruction increases....

January 5, 2023 · 2 min · 413 words · Henry Damico

70 Positive Affirmations To Use Daily For Stress Energy More

Here, we unpack what makes positive affirmations so helpful, plus provide over 70 affirmation examples to get you started. The more you work with your affirmation, the more the positive thinking can aid in self-improvement, as they help to transform negative thought loops and patterns. “[Affirmations] work primarily at the conscious level, whereas many of our conflicts about ourselves and our sense of adequacy are within our subconscious or unconscious mind,” Yusim explains....

January 5, 2023 · 2 min · 379 words · Madeline Hazzard

8 Foods To Eat For Liver Health

One of its biggest jobs? Breaking down everything you put down your gullet and deciding whether something is a nutrient to be absorbed or a toxin to be sent on a one-way trip out of your body. In addition to laying off the bad stuff, be sure to supply your liver with a steady stream of nutrient-dense, plant-based foods, good fats, and high-quality animal protein. Make the produce aisle your second home (preferably in the organic section) or hit up the farmers market and look for foods that support optimal liver function....

January 5, 2023 · 2 min · 324 words · Guillermo Carter

8 Health Benefits Of Turmeric How To Make Sure You Get Enough

This ancient Ayurvedic root, which is a cousin to ginger, is native to Southeast Asia and sometimes called “Indian saffron” because of its beautiful golden color. It also gives curry powder (and just about any other food it’s added to) its yellow pigment. Maybe you have a few questions around turmeric, like: Is taking a turmeric supplement better than simply adding it my meals? And what the heck is the difference between turmeric and curcumin?...

January 5, 2023 · 5 min · 1011 words · James Oberg

8 Supplements To Heal A Leaky Gut

While the first step in this healing process is unquestionably to change your dietary habits in order to stop any further damage to your gut. Taking the following eight supplements can be very beneficial in aiding in and speeding up the recovery process of healing of a leaky gut. Probiotics L-Glutamine L-Glutamine is an amino acid that is fundamental to the well-being of the digestive and immune systems. Glutamine is great for repairing damage to the gut, helping the gut lining to regrow and repair, undoing the damage caused by leaky gut, and reducing sugar cravings....

January 5, 2023 · 4 min · 733 words · Rosa Porter

8 Unhealthy Vegetable Oils To Avoid According To An Md

During a mindbodygreen podcast episode, Shanahan says, “I think vegetable oils are the No. 1 cause of health problems in this country.” Now, before anyone starts throwing away their cooking oils, Shanahan is only referring to eight specific types of vegetable oils. Though polyunsaturated fats are actually healthier than saturated and trans fats, (and have been shown to reduce “bad” or LDL1 cholesterol), Shanahan says they’re highly unstable. Meaning, when they’re exposed to chemicals in the refining process, they’re stripped of their antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals....

January 5, 2023 · 1 min · 211 words · Clementine Robinson

9 Popular Food Cravings And What They Say About You

Scientific research shows that when people have difficulty identifying the emotion they’re experiencing and ways to deal with it, they’re more prone to binge eating. The more readily we can express our emotions, the healthier our bodies, hearts and minds will be. Baked sweets (pastries, cakes, candy, pies, etc.) Sweet cravings are probably the most frequent craving people report to me. These people are often working too long and hard, moving from one to-do list item to another and feeling exhausted....

January 5, 2023 · 5 min · 895 words · Aaron Frank

9 Ways Your Life Will Improve When You Declutter

In feng shui philosophy, free-flowing energy creates health, wealth, love, and overall abundance. Clutter is thought to stop that energy flow and create stagnation, exhaustion, and exasperation. Here are nine ways your life will open up dramatically once you address those blocked streams of energy by clearing your clutter: Like acupuncture, which removes blockages and imbalances from the body to create more dynamism and wellness, clearing clutter removes blocks and imbalances from your space....

January 5, 2023 · 2 min · 256 words · Evelyn Ziegler

A Collagen Powder That Supports Skin According To 22 Reviews

The blend also includes amino acid L-glutamine (aka building block for protein), natural moisturizer hyaluronic acid, and essential nutrient vitamin C, which is a vital part of collagen synthesis.* So vital, in fact, that your body can’t adequately produce collagen without it. The formula is also supported by vitamin E, which helps stabilize vitamin C in the body, and both are potent antioxidants.* This ingredient lineup is rounded out by biotin (water-soluble micronutrient to support healthy hair) and a plethora of plant bioactives with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, namely curcumin (via turmeric root) and sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS)....

January 5, 2023 · 1 min · 112 words · Ruth Forsyth

A Completely Objective Nonnegotiable List Of The Best Beers For Everyday Moments

And to help commemorate these moments, we at mbg found ourselves consistently turning to an unexpected source—beer. Here are some of our favorites. Salud! As one of the most widely available beers in the world, lagers are perfect for this particular situation (i.e., tired, sweaty, and potentially hangry) because you can pick up a six-pack pretty much anywhere. Pilsners have been brewed for centuries, so it’s no surprise that they’re also one of the simplest beers you can find....

January 5, 2023 · 2 min · 305 words · Mark Winter

A Guide To Impostor Syndrome What It Is Types Traits More

You find yourself harboring feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, feeling like you’ve deceived people into letting you take on this position, and feeling shame in telling people about what you’re experiencing. You spin in a cycle of inadequacy, guilt, and worry. Impostor syndrome, also known as “the impostor phenomenon,” was first introduced in 1978 by psychologists Pauline Rose Clance, Ph.D., ABPP, and Suzanne Imes, Ph.D. Their research1 found a prevalent pattern among accomplished, professional, high-achieving women of dismissing their achievements, over-attributing their successes to luck, and devaluing their own skills and intelligence while simultaneously believing that others were overestimating their talents....

January 5, 2023 · 7 min · 1464 words · Janet Williams