About one week before our local “stay at home” order was announced, I received this phone call from one of my clients. And she’s not alone in how COVID-19 has affected her. Most of us have experienced at least some measure of anxiety or concern regarding the coronavirus. I’ve certainly increased my hand-washing and pay a lot more attention to not touching my face. I also discovered that I had a bad habit of putting things in my mouth to hold when my hands were full (keys, mail, etc.), which I’ve since stopped. The anxiety that we are experiencing now is similar to what people with OCD experience every day, especially since government and medical experts are strongly recommending cleaning, disinfecting, and isolating—hallmarks of the struggle for many with OCD. And it’s hard. We also know that OCD and anxiety disorders often run in families, so now whole families may be struggling with exacerbated symptoms—all while sheltering in place together. One month into “stay at home,” the client mentioned above told me her OCD has “calmed down” to pre-COVID-19 levels. She’s staying at home, we meet through video conferencing, and she’s regularly practicing the skills she’s developed over years of managing her OCD—because there’s nothing like a global pandemic to reinforce and strengthen the skills you’ve been practicing. OCD is about anxiety, uncertainty, and fear—and a drive for control and certainty. Successfully addressing symptoms of OCD is about learning to tolerate discomfort, challenging thoughts born from catastrophizing and overgeneralization, and learning to live with the unknown instead of engaging in compulsive thoughts or behaviors. This is where everyone can take a lesson from those who have been dealing with OCD. The practice of accepting anxiety instead of trying to ignore or overpower those feelings, and treating yourself with compassion are key practices. If contamination is a major focus of your anxiety, remember that there are directions for when we should engage in hand-washing1. Following these guidelines will keep you on track for appropriate—not excessive—hand-washing. Excessive hand-washing can injure your skin, which can make it more susceptible to infection, so stick to the recommendations from the CDC. Check out your plan with a trusted family member, friend, or mental health professional to ensure you are staying within the bounds of reasonable, not compulsive, precautions. The International OCD Foundation also recommends avoiding trying to learn “everything” about COVID-19. “Remind yourself that no one can protect themselves ‘perfectly’ from COVID-19, and no one expects you to,” their guidelines read. “Times like these call for using your common sense instead of going to perfectionistic extremes.” Taking a few slow, deep breaths right when you’re in the midst of feeling overwhelmed calms our nervous system and can thus help to decrease anxiety. Know that you are not alone. Whatever your struggle, we are all in this together. Hallett is also an executive coach, host of the Be Awesome podcast, and author of two books. She’s passionate about stress reduction and self-care. Access her free guide to being stress smart and becoming your own best friend.

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