As founder and educational director of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy Ashley Leavy previously explained to mbg, birthstones have roots in both Western astrology and Ayurveda, and the National Association of Jewelers actually standardized the official birthstones in 1912 because there were so many birthstone options across various traditions. Birthstones even appear in the book of Exodus (28:17-20), where it’s written that 12 gemstones were fixed on the prophet Aaron’s breastplate. “There were 12 stones, one for each of the names of the sons of Israel, each engraved like a seal with the name of one of the 12 tribes,” the Bible reads. Nowadays, birthstones are a popular gift for everything from birthdays to holidays to anniversaries and more. This stone can be found all over the world, from Brazil to the U.S. to Madagascar, China, and more. And as crystal expert and founder of Goldirocks Yulia Van Doren previously explained to mbg, “Topaz is an ancient gemstone that vibrates with a very particular ’noble’ energy,” adding that it’s commonly associated with high moral principles and ideals. November is also a transitional month, she adds, and topaz reminds us to look at the big picture and embrace the shifts and adventure of change. It is, after all, the birthstone for Sagittariuses born in November, which speaks to this stone’s dynamic and expansive energy. (Sag is easily known to be the most adventure-seeking sign.) In fact, as Van Doren previously explained, topaz can be particularly beneficial for Scorpios and Sagittarians born in November. It helps to balance “both Scorpios’ and Sagittariuses’ tendencies to sometimes get a little too wrapped up in their own stories and balances any tendencies toward selfishness and self-absorption,” she says, adding it can also help elevate your vibration to the highest level possible. And as Michelena notes, topaz is also really helpful for manifesting and visualizing what you want. “It’s one of those really great stones used during meditation to calm the nervous system, but it also allows a lot of energy into the body. So especially if you’re doing a lot of instrumental meditation or you’re doing visualizations, this is a great stone that’ll help increase that frequency and energy around you,” she tells mbg. In terms of working with topaz, simply meditating with it, having it on your person, or keeping it somewhere meaningful in your home will do the trick. In terms of wearing it, Michelena says it’s particularly good to wear as earrings or a necklace, and if you have a topaz ring, to wear it on your ring finger. Michelena does note that topaz can be particularly well served by a full moon charging, and even better if it’s under November’s full moon, which will “supercharge” your topaz, she says.

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