No, this isn’t a DNA thing. We’re talking about lipsology or “lip print reading.” Think of it in the family of palm reading or tea reading: Much like you can visit various mystics to read your birth chart, palms, tea leaves, and tarot, you can read into your unique lip print. And, we should note, this isn’t about lips themselves—it’s literally about the print your lips make when you kiss a paper on any given day. Thus, your reading may be different at different times in your life, as the prints come out in unique ways to you: Some days your lip imprint may appear stronger, others more open, and so on. Each lip print is individual to you, and should be viewed as such. For your most accurate reading, you’ll likely need to visit a professional, as there are a lot of variables to look into. “There’s a lot to know,” says Lightningstorm. “If you’ve ever looked into learning palmistry or astrology, you’ll understand that there’s a great deal to learn, and we are still learning about all the possibilities with lip prints since this is a fairly new system.” However, there are a few general guidelines that you can look into if you want to do it yourself, which we’ve outlined here. However, we must note, this is not a full reading with all the various signs and characteristics someone might have—consider this your beginner guide.  So the first step, of course, is to print your lip: Swipe on your favorite lipstick, kiss a piece of paper, and your reading awaits.  Round: Round lips are full all around, without the top or bottom being more pronounced, “If someone has a round lip print, it means that they are what I call a peacekeeper—someone who doesn’t like arguments (unless they started them) and someone who likes things to go smoothly,” says Lightningstorm. “They tend to be the peacekeeper in their group or community because of wanting things to go smoothly and well. They will also be the person who tries to understand your point of view.”  Pale: “If it’s really pale it means the person is tired or has run out of energy,” she says. Consider taking a personal day for a recharge.  Closed: “If the print is completely closed, the person does not like to change their mind once they have decided about something,” she says.  Spirit lines: These lines, on the other hand, start on the outside and go in on your upper lip. They mean that you are a spiritual person, attract spirits around you, or even have a close relationship with the other side. 

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