If you only have time for one pose, make it this one: legs up the wall, also known as viparita karani. This asana is considered a restorative, gentle inversion, and while it’s usually practiced at the end of a yoga class, it can be helpful on its own to relax the body. Stay in this pose for anywhere from five to 20 minutes, allowing your breath to return to normal for the last few minutes. Stay present with the sense of calm and equanimity that this pose brings. When you are ready to come out, bend your knees halfway toward your chest and roll to one side. Use your arms to help you sit up, moving slowly and mindfully. Although legs up the wall is safe for most individuals, those who are pregnant or that have been diagnosed with glaucoma, high blood pressure, or any serious problems with the neck or spine should consult their doctor first.

Legs Up The Wall  The Only Yoga Pose You Need For Great Sleep - 14Legs Up The Wall  The Only Yoga Pose You Need For Great Sleep - 63Legs Up The Wall  The Only Yoga Pose You Need For Great Sleep - 70Legs Up The Wall  The Only Yoga Pose You Need For Great Sleep - 28