If the feeling exists on its own, it may not be related to GAD. It could just be an anxiousness centered around where you’re going or trying to avoid a certain consequence of being late.  To get to the root of this feeling and help manage it, it’s important to follow the trail. In other words, figure out when and where you start to feel that sense of urgency.  Is it on your way to work, going into the grocery store, meeting up with one of your family members, etc.? Once you pinpoint the moment you start to feel anxious and rushed, challenge your thought process.  Go through these questions: If you can’t get it done now, could you do it later? How much of it is a priority for you? What’s the worst thing that could happen if you don’t get somewhere on time?  When we are anxious in the moment, we tend to think catastrophically and brace for the worst possible outcome. We’re not really looking at the rational perspective. By challenging yourself, you’ll likely realize that whatever your biggest fear was, it won’t come true. If it does come true, trust that you’ll have the tools to handle it.  First and foremost, get plenty of sleep. People tend to downplay how important sleep is, but we are much more emotionally and psychologically vulnerable when we don’t get enough. A healthy diet full of fiber and protein is also important. Irregular blood sugar patterns throughout the day can have an effect on mood and anxiety levels. Lastly, physical activity is a critical component of mental health. Exercise has a long-term effect in helping us feel less anxious—sometimes all it takes is a 15-minute walk will help you reclaim time in your day. Lippman-Barile integrates nutritional therapy as part of psychotherapy, using food and holistic lifestyle practices as medicine to support mental health and wellness. Her mission is to provide integrated and holistic care for individuals with mental health struggles and dietary challenges.

Is Feeling The Need To Hurry All The Time A Symptom Of Anxiety  - 11Is Feeling The Need To Hurry All The Time A Symptom Of Anxiety  - 66Is Feeling The Need To Hurry All The Time A Symptom Of Anxiety  - 77