Many people assume their purpose relates to something professional. This, however, is not always the case. Most individuals do have planetary placements related to their career in their astrology charts, but dharma can relate to any—or multiple—area(s) of life. I believe that if we’ve done something of lower integrity in a past life, we may have present-life challenges intended to help us understand the impact of our previous behavior. Difficult astrological placements, for example, can help us become more considerate, humble, and compassionate. Favorable astrological placements, in contrast, may reflect previously developed skills or charitable actions. With dharma mapping, I help people find suitable careers, but I also help them understand their soul’s other objectives, such as healing wounds, contributing to their communities, and transforming family patterns. The north node relates to where we are going in this life. The south node, 180 degrees opposite the north node, relates to where we’ve come from—in past lives and earlier in this life. The south node reflects the mastery we’ve achieved. It can also reveal weaknesses. If there are planets next to your south node, you came into this life with the talents (and challenges) suggested by those planets.  The sign of the south node expresses your “default” mode, and the north node shows the way you are evolving. By the time you are 18.5 (the age of your first nodal return, when the north node in the sky returns to its birth position), you will be tapping into the energy of your north node. You begin waking up to your potential, separate from who you were as a child (and in a past life).  An important thing to understand about the nodes is that they stay in the same sign for 1.5 years. Everyone born within a 1.5-year period has the same nodes. These individuals form a soul cohort, working on similar themes.  Because the north node is not highly specific, the location of the node is important. It indicates how someone’s destiny manifests, so you’ll want to locate which house your north node falls in. (Here’s a refresher on how to find out.) The sun sign shows the primary energetic themes an individual is working with and through. At the elemental level, fire signs are learning about action, earth signs are learning about stability, air signs are learning about thought, and water signs are learning about emotions. The moon, like the south node, suggests probable past-life abilities and experiences. Rising signs indicate talents and traits we effortlessly display. The ruler of the ascendant reveals associated characteristics and themes that often describe how (and where) your purpose manifests. If the concept of planetary rulerships is new to you, here’s a quick summary:  Find the rulers of the signs on the sixth and 10th house cusps. The ruler of the sixth house’s location (and sign) shows where and how we can be of notable karmic service. The ruler of the 10th house’s location (and sign) shows where and how we can be of notable public impact. If either ruler lands in the other house (10th house ruler in sixth or sixth house ruler in 10th), career is doubly emphasized. Examine the north node. If it is in the sixth or 10th house, career is essential to the purpose of your soul. For all other locations, the information conveyed by the north node’s sign and house can be incorporated into the career for maximum contentment. Check for planets in your sixth and 10th houses. These show energies the soul is intending to use in its career. If these gifts are not given, the soul will feel a sense of lack or frustration.  Finally, observe the remaining planets scattered around your chart. These represent parts of your purpose that may be incorporated into your career, especially if they form aspects to planets in your sixth or 10th houses, or the MC line (10th house cusp). Alternatively, they reflect elements of your purpose to be expressed in other areas of your life.  If what you are doing, personally or professionally, is not fulfilling, you have possibly gotten off track or are working through a wound. If this is your situation, look within your chart. Every astrologic detail reveals your soul’s intentions, with clues to orient you to your path. One of the greatest gifts of astrology is that it encourages us to live consciously. Rejecting our lives is unlikely to create healing. Compassionately embracing and working through challenges lays the foundation for transformation. Mapping your dharma can help you find purpose, and walking your path with love can help you find peace.  She is a co-author of the Handbook of Wellness Medicine, has published multiple articles as a staff writer for Chopra, and has been featured in Vogue. She loves using astrology to help individuals find their paths, and families understand their children. She calls herself The Astro Muse because her primary goal is to inspire you.

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