The idea is that astrocartography can explain why specific places affect us the way they do. One person, for example, might have a lot of luck in California, while another person might not. As astrologer Madalyn Hillis-Dineen previously explained to mindbodygreen, understanding your natal chart as it relates to astrocartography can help you figure out which physical locations are best for you in terms of romance, career, retirement, and even vacationing. (It can also tell you which physical locations can cause you distress, conflict, and other problems.) Once you have your map in front of you, the Venus line is what you want to look out for. The planet Venus is all about love, beauty, relationships, intimacy, and pleasure. Under your Venus line, it’s believed that you appear extra attractive and magnetic to others. So your Venus line, then, shows you where in the world you may have the best luck in love. And before you start worrying if your Venus line falls somewhere super inconvenient (like the middle of the ocean), don’t fret. Astrocartography doesn’t suggest you’ll only have success in love under your Venus line, just that you’ll have more success there.

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