Though office closures don’t seem to be ending anytime soon (and even if they do, a desk job is still a desk job), these seven tips can help you stay healthy under the circumstances: Whether you’re taking the time to go for a mile-long walk outside, moving up and down the stairs, or walking a few laps around your kitchen, those micro-movements throughout the day add up for the better. Aside from a change of pace and movement, spending time in nature has plenty of proven health benefits1, including stress reduction and vitamin D absorption. Certain fruits and veggies, like cucumbers, celery, leafy vegetables, zucchini, melons, and berries, double as both healthy snacks and hydrating foods. Particularly with the recent election, COVID-19, and other stressors, it’s easy to become glued to screens (including the one you’re working from), which can result in burnout. When possible, take breaks from external stressors and tune into your body’s signals. If it seems too difficult to part with your computer during the workday, try to establish a morning or evening routine dedicated to time away from electronics. It doesn’t have to be extravagant—simply sitting with a cup of coffee or tea and allowing your thoughts to pass through you is an effective, restorative form of meditation. For general stretches, these 14 help counteract the effects of sitting. For more personalized stretches, pinpoint where you hold tension in your body and focus your energy there—for most people this is the neck and shoulders or the jaw. Setting the goal of not snacking during the day is unreasonable and sets an unhealthy tone of feeling guilt about natural hunger. Instead, savor the snack and trust that you can enjoy it responsibly. Reach out to co-workers and anyone else you communicate with at work and let them know that you won’t be replying to emails past a certain hour. Time away from your phone and computer will also decrease blue-light exposure, promoting better quality sleep. Win-win. A cutting-edge nutrition deep dive taught by 20+ top health & wellness experts

How To Stay Healthy With A Sedentary WFH Job  From A Doctor - 29How To Stay Healthy With A Sedentary WFH Job  From A Doctor - 5How To Stay Healthy With A Sedentary WFH Job  From A Doctor - 46How To Stay Healthy With A Sedentary WFH Job  From A Doctor - 27