According to nutrition consultant and natural chef Karyn Forsyth Duggan, M.S., BBS, the big problem with store-bought jam can be summed up in one word: “Sugar!” she says. “Popular brands of jam can have more than 3 teaspoons of sugar per tablespoon of jam. That may not seem like much, but if you consume about 2 tablespoons of jam on something that’s already a little sweet such as a freshly baked scone or a popular brand of bread, which could contain up to 5 grams of sugar per slice, it all starts to add up quite quickly. Without realizing it, you may have inadvertently consumed something close to the equivalent (in terms of sugar content) of a soda!” About those labels: Duggan says newer jam brands are doing a bit better in terms of moderating their sugar content and says because nutrition labels were updated in July 2018, there is more of a spotlight on the added sugars in products1, but “manufacturers are not obliged to provide any information to enable understanding of how much sugar is in their products; i.e., most people don’t know how to interpret a gram!” Duggan does offer one simple rule of thumb for analyzing labels in the absence of manufacturer-provided guidance: “Divide the total grams of sugar by 4,” she says. “That provides you with a visual of the number of teaspoons. So, for example, if there are 8 grams of sugars in your jam of choice, you now know that equates to 2 teaspoons of sugar.” But if you think reduced- or low-sugar jams are a safer bet, be careful. “The No. 1 thing to watch out for with store-bought jam is added sugar (be that cane sugar, corn syrup, etc.),” says registered dietitian and integrative nutrition health coach, Jessica Cording, M.S., R.D., CDN, INHC. “Artificial sweeteners can also be problematic, as they may condition you to expect higher levels of sweetness, making it harder to be satisfied with naturally sweet foods.” Another thing about store-bought jams to consider is that their eye-catching labels may suggest they contain ingredients they don’t—like, for instance, fruit. “Many store-bought jams and jellies contain no real fruit,” says sports dietitian Kelly Jones, M.S., R.D., CSSD. “Often, those that do have very little fruit and are rather made of various refined or ultra-processed sugars as well as artificial colors and flavors. While reaching for a product like this once in a blue moon won’t make or break your health, if it’s something you enjoy regularly throughout the week, you may want to reconsider your purchase or consider making your own.”  “Often, food companies add unhealthy ingredients to jams such as high-fructose corn syrup and/or corn syrup to add sugar to the recipe,” says registered dietitian nutritionist Leah Silberman, RDN. “Labels that claim their products are ’natural’ do not always mean they don’t contain added sugars.” “When you make your own jam, you can control more variables,” says life coach and holistic nurse practitioner Victoria Albina, N.P., MPH. “You can make sure you’re using only organic or biodynamic fruit, you can choose the kind of sugar you use, you can leave the skins on for added fiber, and you can put your own intentions into the cooking process.” But with a billion different varieties of fruits out there, which ones make the best jam ingredients? “If you’re new to making your own jam, a high-pectin2 fruit is a good place to start since they’ll naturally thicken as you cook them,” Cording says. “A few of my favorites are apples, pears, plums, and cranberries.”  A few fruits to consider in your jam-making journey: “If you’re making your own healthy homemade jam, fruits high in pectin are the best to use as they thicken better,” says holistic nutritionist, Mandy King, CNP, NNCP, BCom. “Fruits like apples, apricots, blackberries, and plums have a higher pectin content, but strawberries and raspberries still have some pectin so can be used too.” King has a super-easy, all-natural recipe for low-sugar strawberry jam that’s ready in under 20 minutes: Just combine the following ingredients into a food processor or blender and blend until chunky. “If I’m having toast (gluten-free), I love putting nut butter on it instead of jam,” King says. “It’s more of a savory flavor but also adds some healthy fats to keep you full for longer and balance your blood sugar.” “While it’s a personal decision, I would probably say use a lesser amount of organic cane sugar if you’re adding sugar to your jam recipe,” Silberman says. “There are other syrups that have a lower glycemic index than cane sugar, but they will likely alter the consistency of the jam, and, given most people use roughly a teaspoon to tablespoon amount at a time, it doesn’t feel worth it to me.” “I love using honey or maple syrup in place of white sugar, and I’ve also had good results using allulose, if you’re looking for a sweetener with fewer calories and a lower glycemic response,” Cording says. “You can also use chia seeds to thicken the jam if you’re using a lower pectin fruit.” “Depending on your taste preferences, you could still use refined sugar but may actually get more flavor by using a sugar in the raw or opting for a natural sweetener such as raw honey or pure maple syrup,” Jones says. “These work especially well if you’re cooking or reducing the fruit.” One option Jones loves is this mango chia jam. She also recommends this simple strategy for making your own berry-based jam: “Just heat fresh or frozen blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries over low to medium heat and add a touch of pure maple or honey along with a dash of vanilla extract. Reduce until it reaches your desired texture, and serve warm or refrigerate for up to one week in a sealed container.” “If you are feeling a bit more motivated, a mango or citrus jam can come together well by utilizing whole or milled chia seeds,” Jones says. “These fruits are rich in pectin, but the chia helps them hold together even more and promotes even more satiety with fiber, protein, and healthy fats.” Chia seeds are a popular add-in for dietitians, thanks to their binding capabilities. “As a dietitian who is focused on improving health, the version of ‘jam’ that I make simply requires blending thawed strawberries (or raspberries), adding chia seeds and fresh lemon juice, and allowing the combination to sit overnight,” Silberman says. “Heating fruit at certain temperatures can reduce its antioxidant capacity, so keeping it cold gives you a bigger bang for your nutrient buck, so to speak. The chia seeds add fiber and omega-3s, and when sitting in liquid, they draw water and expand, providing a more gelatin-like texture. The lemon juice acts as a natural preservative. Of course, this recipe will not yield what most consumers recognize as typical ‘jam,’ but it’s delicious, healthy, and my go-to.” “I love to lacto-ferment fruit (and veggies!), which creates a fermented food like sauerkraut but with the natural sweetness that comes from the fruit,” Albina says. “You can make a salt-water brine or can use a packaged starter; you can also add or skip the sweetener—I skip it!” Albina is also a big fan of chia pudding, but she opts out of the sweetener here too. “It’s so simple to make,” she says. “Blend a can of whole-fat coconut milk in the blender to make it creamy, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of chia seeds, and put it in the fridge so it gets a nice pudding consistency. I love stirring organic, fair-trade raw cacao in, and in the summer, I add some fresh berries. Such a delicious, nutritious, and filling meal or snack!”  And, of course, there’s always the most obvious alternative option that many of us overlook: just using real fruit. “My favorite alternative to jam is simply to use fresh berries,” Duggan says. “If you’d typically have a slice of toast with peanut butter and jam, consider using sliced strawberries/mashed raspberries on top instead. Enjoy the taste (provided the berries are local, organic, and in season and not imported from a million miles away in the middle of winter!), and be confident in the knowledge you’re consuming phytonutrients, which will support your overall health, rather than pure sugar, which is also known as an anti-nutrient!” She’s also a contributing editor at California Home Design.

How To Make Healthier Homemade Jams   10 Fruits To Use - 32How To Make Healthier Homemade Jams   10 Fruits To Use - 83How To Make Healthier Homemade Jams   10 Fruits To Use - 70