If you are susceptible to emotional contagion and can actually feel others’ emotions, you’re not alone. It’s been estimated that about 20% of the population is, in fact, made up of highly sensitive people who are particularly vulnerable to other people’s stress and emotions. This can result in panic attacks, depression, exhaustion, and a range of physical ailments. I’ve found that one strategy that is particularly effective during the chaotic holiday season is to seek solitude. Carve out time to think and just be without any interruptions. When you are still, your stress hormones can decrease so that they’re not ravaging your system and affecting your immunity. From this quieter space, endorphins—your natural painkillers and feel-good hormones—can help you feel more peaceful and even blissful. Quiet time lets you replenish your mind, body, and soul. Here are some strategies for seeking solitude and replenishing your energy this holiday season: During this holiday season, give yourself the gift of quiet spaces. You will enjoy your time with friends and family when you’ve taken time to be alone with your thoughts.

How To Do The Holidays As An Empath Or Highly Sensitive Person - 72How To Do The Holidays As An Empath Or Highly Sensitive Person - 78How To Do The Holidays As An Empath Or Highly Sensitive Person - 71