Here’s how to do down dog correctly, plus tips, modifications, and the benefits you can expect when you practice this pose regularly. If you have back pain, the spine lengthening effects of down dog can definitely be beneficial. Plus, it may even help with tension headaches, as it allows you to relax the head and neck. You’ll also be sure to feel the full-body circulation that comes with this pose. You’re likely to do this pose in the next Vinyasa class you do—and multiple times—as it’s used throughout many yoga flows. Because it makes frequent appearances, it’s a good idea to get this pose right—and with these tips, you’ll be golden.

How To Do Downward Dog  Adho Mukha Svanasana  The Right Way - 28How To Do Downward Dog  Adho Mukha Svanasana  The Right Way - 11How To Do Downward Dog  Adho Mukha Svanasana  The Right Way - 78