Here are five signs you’re on the right path: The choices you make in your life will either enhance your spiritor drain your spirit. What are you choosing? How often have you said, “I want to get out of this circumstance but I am too afraid. I’m just going to slap on a happy face instead”? Yup, you know it: betrayal. People who are in touch with their inner guides can better navigate life’s stumbling blocks. They quit jobs they know aren’t right for them. They end relationships that aren’t fulfilling. They make tough choices—because they know they’re the right choices. Think of every small “right” action as a massive billboard created for the Universe which says, “I am ready now. I believe.” The powerful act of staying tuned in and aligned with what is true for you will create quantum shifts in your reality, your relationships, your confidence and energy field. You won’t have to hunt, seek, or find “the right path.” Some guidance to get you on the right track: Dowling has spent years helping people live richer, more joyful lives. She has seen firsthand the magical pairing of psychology and life coaching, which allows people to access their happiest selves.

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