What I didn’t know at the time was that I’d spend the next two years of my life fighting an addiction to my anxiety pills—an addiction that nearly killed me. I survived an accidental overdose and two failed suicide attempts. I went back to my doctor for help but soon realized his only intention was keeping me medicated. I watched multiple documentaries about the dangers of the Western diet. I researched anxiety disorders and their potential external contributors. I read online literature and research papers about the food-mood connection. But what inspired me the most were two documentaries—Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross and Crazy Sexy Cancer by Kris Carr. The fact that both of them, having been diagnosed with two entirely different illnesses, were able to heal through diet and nutrition was incredibly inspiring. I took a hard look at what I had been consuming, and what I discovered shocked me. I’ve never been into specific diets. I’ve never been a vegan or vegetarian. I’ve never tried the elimination diet or the high-carb diet. I’m not paleo or involved in ketogenics. Although I’m sure they all have great benefits, my plan was to adjust my diet based on what I researched would help with my anxiety symptoms. Therefore I eliminated all caffeine, including caffeinated teas and chocolate. I increased my intake of fruits and vegetables by adopting a daily green juice and smoothie regimen. I start my days with 8 to 12 ounces of room-temperature water, followed by 24 to 32 ounces of green juice or a green smoothie. Both have served as a great caramel-latte-a-day replacement. I also began taking a vitamin B12 and D3 supplement daily. I refrain from eating red meat, pork, artificial and refined sugars, fried foods, processed foods, grains, and gluten. I periodically eat organic chicken and organic, cage-free eggs, but 85 percent of my diet consists of raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and occasionally fish. I’ve incorporated yoga and meditation into my lifestyle as well, all of which have formed my personal “Trinity of Wellness.” Want more calming cuisine? These nine foods are scientifically proven to ease anxiety, and this surprising supplement can also do a lot to help.

How Changing What I Ate Eliminated My Anxiety - 82How Changing What I Ate Eliminated My Anxiety - 34How Changing What I Ate Eliminated My Anxiety - 37