Luckily, through lots of experiments and working as a health coach, I’ve picked up a few tricks that can help to ease the discomfort of winter health woes. They’ve completely stopped my sinus infection in its tracks. But what came next was totally unexpected. My stubborn breakout started to heal after a few days of dedicated commitment to this routine. My acne-prone skin suddenly looked much clearer and brighter—without changing any of my skin care products! Heat up water in a kettle and pour into a bowl with essential oils. Position your face above the bowl, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam for about 10 minutes. Make sure you are a comfortable distance away from the steam. This can be a bit of a commitment, so do it daily in the midst of a sinus infection (and double up with a neti pot), and scale back to a few times a week when you’re feeling good. Work to clear out toxins by warming up your lymph nodes. Apply the same gentle circular motions to right below your jawline and ear using your opposite hand. Then, trace your jawline from your chin to your ears and gently down your neck. Repeat this motion about 10 times. Not only does this ease discomfort, but moving the lymph drains toxins, helping to move along your sinus infection and any breakouts. This routine has become second nature to me, especially in the winter months. Whenever I’m starting to feel run down or broken out, I turn directly to this checklist to support my immunity and reveal glowing skin!

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