You can enhance this by adding a candle or crystal with Libra’s colors as well, which are pink, shades of blue, or pale green. This will further align you with the moon’s current energy, making your wishes all the more powerful. When you’re all ready, close your eyes, and take a deep inhale. Hold it for five seconds, then release. Repeat this until your muscles start to relax and your head starts to clear. If you feel more comfortable drawing (even if your art skills aren’t top-notch), take a swing at it! This is all about making your dreams come to life, so whatever way works best for you will make the most impact. You can get as creative with your drawing as you like too: Color the contour, add shading, or add a background. The possibilities are endless. Just make sure you draw something for each wish you want to make, be it a car, a lover, or a new item you want. Would it drive smoothly? What would the interior look like, smell like, feel like? Who would be in your passenger seat? Where would you go with it, and what sort of music would you play in it? Make the visualization come to life. Do this detail-oriented visualization for each wish you listed. If you want, you may burn, shred, bury, or keep your list of wishes. There’s nothing wrong with keeping your list, but you must release attachment to it in order for your wishes to be heard. Let the universe take care of it now. To forget about the list, try taking a soothing shower, cuddling up with a good book, or spending some time with your significant other. Just as long as you don’t forget to put out the incense/candle first, you’re good! Related reads:

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