Here’s what to know about the ENTJ personality type. “These natural leaders can be described as curious, energetic, self-confident, pragmatic, creative problem solvers, and decisive,” Hackston tells mbg, adding, “Those who have personality preferences for ENTJ are verbally fluent and get energized by interacting with people, exchanging ideas, and making things happen.” Take entrepreneur Bill Gates as a prime example of an ENTJ. This type isn’t discouraged by a challenge. In fact, they love it and have had historical success in making great achievements in everything from politics to business. When under extreme stress, however, Hackston notes they can feel alone, underappreciated, and overwhelmed with self-doubt. Even still, “They won’t openly show their feelings,” he says. Hackston adds that ENTJs’ “love for different possibilities and looking at the big picture often leads them to discuss and explore people’s ideas and insights in order to promote mutual learning.” “They value when people speak their minds, share their thoughts, and are persuasive. They probably won’t display emotions and be romantic all the time but will treat their loved ones with balance and fairness, leaving space for frank and direct dialogue,” he explains. They’re often solution-oriented, he adds, and that applies in their relationships too: “In a conflict situation, they will likely try to find a quick solution and can disregard what others feel while they focus on a resolution.” In terms of being friends with an ENTJ, “Some good advice is to avoid drama, say what you think, and be ready to argue your corner,” says Hackston. And in terms of dating one, he notes that if they feel underappreciated by their S.O., they tend to feel frustrated and disconnected.  When it comes to compatibility with other MBTI types, Hackston says ENTJs relate better to those with the same intuition-thinking preference—that is, other people with both N and T in their types—so ENTPs, INTJs, INTPs, or another ENTJ. “Although all types can be compatible and create positive and balanced relationships,” he adds. Unlike those with perceiving (P) preferences, he notes, ENTJs actually prefer the structure provided by schedules and long-term planning. They’re innovative and global thinkers, but they’re also action-oriented and strategic, he explains, “thinking ahead, envisioning potential issues, and pulling resources when problems are presented.” And don’t be surprised if you feel challenged by the ENTJs in your workplace. According to Hackston, not only are they good at spotting inefficient processes, but they can become frustrated and “will likely question illogical decisions in the workplace.” Overall, though, he says ENTJs are likely to thrive in leadership and management roles, as they are good communicators, great planners, and able to present situations with precision. “The field of work may be less important than having a job where they have the opportunity to take charge, plan for the future, and see those plans carried through,” he adds.

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