For example, a Type Two’s wings are One and Three. There is debate about whether every type is equally influenced by its two wings (known as two-wing theory) or if only one of your wings is the dominant wing that affects your personality (known as one-wing theory). In one-wing theory, a person’s full Enneagram type is expressed with both their main type and associated wing together. So a Type Two could be a 2w1 (a Type Two with a One wing) or a 2w3 (a Type Two with a Three wing).  A recent study from the American Journal of Psychiatry signals validity for both theories: “Individuals are generally more influenced by one wing than the other, although traits from both wings may emerge in response to different environments.” In that way, wings can be seen as personality options that people can toggle between depending on their context and health level.  “An Enneagram wing is the flavoring for the Enneagram. We always remain our main type, but the characteristics of either side flavor our personality,” says Enneagram coach Myrna Cervetti. “A great way I’ve heard wings described is like using salt and pepper to flavor a dish. The main dish doesn’t change, but adding varying degrees of salt and pepper affects the taste. Similarly, with our wings, too much of either can make even the tastiest dish—or in our case, healthiest type—inedible, but the right balance can enhance our enjoyment of it significantly.” You could take a test online to receive a scored assessment that analyzes your results. The more dominant wing can be ascertained by looking for the higher score on either side of your basic type. A caveat though: While tests are a good starting point to see what types you naturally identify with, complete accuracy depends on your ability to see yourself clearly—warts and all. Since the test works in nuance, and variables like life stressors or mood can throw it off, it’s not always the most accurate representation. If the test doesn’t provide clear results, self-typing is another method you can use to get closer to your true number. To self-type, read all of the nine Enneagram descriptions in detail to search for patterns and lived experiences you strongly identify with. Fagbohun shares the best way to determine your wing is to really look into the two types that border your main type. Some questions to ask, according to Fagbohun: “What stands out to you? What parts of the type do you resonate with? Your wing will be the one you borrow the most energy from. It is possible to access both of your wings, but often one is dominant.” By only knowing your Enneagram number, you will be working off of limited information. Finding out your preferred, dominant wing allows you to get into the granular details of your personality. For example, a Two is still empathetic and overly focused on helping others, but a Two with the perfectionistic energy of a One wing (2w1) will integrate principled integrity and a strong moral compass into their personality. As a result, they are infused with a stronger sense of duty, and their commitment to helping may be directed toward community and through amplifying social justice issues instead of just focusing on their loved ones.  In comparison, a Two with the ambitious Three wing (2w3) is less concerned about morality and instead emphasizes traits like confidence and competency. This type won’t be as oriented around service as they will be around image, but their goals remain the same. Twos still work on fulfilling other people’s desires to get what they want since they fundamentally struggle with vocalizing their own needs. This is why people with the same core type can react differently in similar conditions because the wing lends influence to the situation. Since the Enneagram system represents movement and growth, knowing your wing offers a wealth of context as you navigate across the system and do the inner work necessary to confront any compulsive habits that may be holding you back.  “A person can access either wing depending on what is needed in a moment,” she notes. “Everyone uses their wings at different levels and can depend on circumstances. Most people rely on one wing more than the other, but there are some who are adequately balanced with both sides.” She further explains that it’s dependent on your overall health and individual growth, and it’s possible to see the dominant wing fluctuate from time to time. “People are multilayered and complex, and so are your wings. Your wing doesn’t show up in a perfectly packaged box. Your wings are not meant to limit the type; instead, they expand the type.” Knowing your Enneagram wing will deepen your own self-knowledge and help you understand why you demonstrate specific behaviors when you’re feeling secure or anxious. Sifting through the intricacies of Enneagram’s psychodynamic framework can be a challenging process at times, but the wisdom that comes from your lessons can inspire you to step into a healthier way of being.

Enneagram Wings  How To Find Yours   Why They Matter - 18Enneagram Wings  How To Find Yours   Why They Matter - 7Enneagram Wings  How To Find Yours   Why They Matter - 69Enneagram Wings  How To Find Yours   Why They Matter - 73