Here, experts weigh in on what butterflies symbolize, plus how to know if you have a connection to these special creatures. “Butterflies show us how we can go within ourselves to dissolve old forms and morph, rebuilding and evolving ourselves,” she explains, noting that they show us the importance of surrender and trust “as part of the essential process of growth and renewal.” As author Erika Buenaflor, M.A., puts it in her book Animal Medicine, butterflies also symbolize rebirth, hope, and bravery. Seeing one is a sign that positive change is transpiring, and brave forces are watching over you and ensuring graceful transitions. The butterfly encourages you to flow through your transformation with confidence, she writes. Much like us, caterpillars have no way of knowing what’s coming their way next. But they listen to their inner call to go within anyway, allowing death and rebirth to take place, Cariad-Barrett says. “Butterflies also symbolize freedom […] Our truest self can always fly free,” she adds. They believed brave warriors eventually became birds, hummingbirds, or butterflies after they died, sipping nectar for eternity. Interestingly, however, black butterflies are associated with sickness in many Native American cultures. “As a collective human consciousness,” Cariad-Barrett adds, “we often have similar responses, and we can learn from the teaching stories about nature—but at the end of the day, the question is: What are you noticing about butterflies’ life cycle, and how does it touch your soul?” To get clearer on the answer to this question, she suggests journaling and reflecting on what the butterfly touches in you and how it connects to your personal journey. Of course, given the common interpretation of butterflies representing transformation and rebirth, if you feel those same associations, it could indicate you’re going through a transformation of your own. If you’re constantly dreaming of butterflies, “It is time to spread your wings and explore new ventures,” Buenaflor says, adding, “How will you know whether you like something or not unless you try it?” “When animals are showing up as teachers in your life, you are relating to one another as family,” she explains. If you feel you’re connected to butterflies, Cariad-Barrett advises sending them love from your heart. “Set an intention to be open to listening, learning, and receiving from these wise members of your family,” she adds. You could even create a habitat in your garden for them. “As you give your love in service to them and open yourself, their lessons will speak more and more to you,” she says. And due to butterflies’ association with change and transformation, Buenaflor suggests taking time to meditate in the sun the next time you see one, allowing it to energize you for whatever change you’re going through.

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