Regardless, many of the princes—good nutrition, tempering inflammation, and approaching skin care from a holistic lens—are backed by studies, time and again. Iron is also a foundation of healthy skin as iron deficiencies can lead to sallow, dry, itchy. prematurely aging skin. Beets and carrots are excellent natural sources of iron. Figuring out your dominant dosha can help determine the right way to cleanse your skin: Vata skin is usually thin and dry, so foaming soaps should be avoided and cool, tepid water should be used when cleansing. Pitta skin tends to be sensitive and congested, so soap and cool water can be used more frequently. Kaphas’ oily skin can benefit from diligent washing with warmer water. According to Ayurvedic tradition, someone with a pitta imbalance is considered to have a hot body and internal temperature, so a diet of cool, sweet, stabilizing foods should replace those that are salty, sour, spicy, or pungent. (You can find more tips on the proper diet to treat a pitta imbalance here.) In terms of skin care, skip your skin-aggravating morning face wash for honey. Apply a layer of honey to the face before jumping in the shower, and then remove it with a warm washcloth. A chamomile compress can also be very helpful when experiencing a flare-up, as chamomile is an excellent natural treatment for redness. Cold cucumbers applied to the skin can also provide rapid relief. Aloe vera gel or cream may also be used to gently massage the affected areas to add extra moisture. Antioxidant- and oil-rich avocado has a number of benefits for the skin and is full of healthy fatty acids and vitamins. Mash up an avocado into a smooth paste and apply it evenly to the affected areas. Once it dries (15 minutes), rinse off with cold water. You can also massage a few drops of almond oil into the skin for relief. For an effective overnight treatment, try rubbing melon on the skin at bedtime to cool and heal blemish-prone skin. For a healing mask, mix about 1 teaspoon of chickpea flour (option to add a pinch of turmeric) with water until a paste forms, then spread over the skin for 10 minutes before rinsing. Uma is Holecek’s foray into introducing the most authentic, straight-from-the-source Ayurveda and aromatherapy practices and solutions to the discerning consumer, in a luxurious, easy-to-use, and education-focused manner. All of Uma’s organic oils are farmed, extracted, and formulated in small batches entirely at Holecek’s family estate in India, guaranteeing unmatched purity and formulation expertise that preserves generations of artisanal craftsmanship.

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