Astaxanthin (asta-ZAN-thin), the pigment that makes salmon and flamingos that nice shade of pink, is actually a potent carotenoid that may help protect your skin from wrinkles and other signs of aging.* Here, find out why astaxanthin deserves a starring role in your skin care routine and what other amazing health benefits it has.   The body does produce some of these free radical scavengers itself, but we rely on diet and supplements for many antioxidants1. They are one of the things that make fruits and veggies so healthy.  Antioxidants are grouped by their distinct properties into “families,” called carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and more. Carotenoids are the ones responsible for giving red and orange foods their bright hues. But, more importantly, they have been linked to cardiovascular and vision health, among other benefits2. Although vitamin A and beta-carotene are two of the most well-known carotenoids, astaxanthin, a marine-based antioxidant found in salmon, has been crowned “King of the Carotenoids.” That’s because astaxanthin is five times more potent than beta-carotene, the good stuff in carrots, and a whopping 6,000 times more potent than vitamin C. Plus, unlike its carotenoid counterparts, astaxanthin does not act as a “pro-oxidant” at high concentration. Other carotenoids, under certain conditions, such as high concentrations, can turn against you, acting as a pro-oxidant rather than an antioxidant, triggering the unwanted outcomes they are supposed to block3. Sun exposure increases free radical production, and, board-certified dermatologist Keira Barr, M.D., explains, “Free radicals set off a chain of events in your body that begin to cause signs of aging, including the breakdown of your collagen and elastin, which makes your skin wrinkle, sag, and appear thinner.” Antioxidants though, especially astaxanthin, can combat all that free-radical skin stress.* In fact, astaxanthin acts as almost an internal sunscreen, enhancing skin photoprotection from UV rays, and helping maintain a healthy inflammatory response.* Studies show astaxanthin delay the impacts of UV exposure5, which means less painful bright red skin now and fewer wrinkles later, win-win.* Additionally, in a 16-week clinical trial6 of AstaReal®, a specific brand of natural astaxanthin, participants who supplemented with astaxanthin saw improvements in skin elasticity, while those who did not supplement saw worsening wrinkles.* Research points to a potentially protective role of astaxanthin against sun exposure.* However, as powerful as astaxanthin is, it should not replace sunscreen. Derms agree, nothing beats SPF when it comes to sun protection. But adding this supplement to your routine, along with daily sunscreen application, can keep your skin glowing from within.*       Already suffered a sunburn or two in your day? It’s not too late. Research has shown that super-antioxidant astaxanthin not only helps protect against UV rays, but it can actually support the healing process.* In one study, astaxanthin supplementation significantly improved skin elasticity, smoothness, and hydration in just 12 weeks.* Another study found astaxanthin improved skin wrinkles, age spot size, and skin texture7.* And in a recent double-blind clinical, subjects reported significant improvement in moisture levels (especially around the eyes), overall improved elasticity, and appearance of tone.* Another recent double-blind clinical found that it can even help skin’s water-retention capacity.* Talk about healthy aging! Its free-radical-fighting properties have been indicated in promoting cardiovascular, cognitive, and vision health.* When it comes to heart health, astaxanthin can help support HDL (the good cholesterol)8 levels, maintain healthy triglyceride and LDL levels9 (the bad cholesterol), and support healthy blood pressure10.* Studies have shown that astaxanthin can enhance attention, memory, and information processing11 in older adults.* Carotenoids, and astaxanthin, in particular, are known for their role in eye health. Astaxanthin supplementation can help eyes recover from extended screen time and maintain healthy visual function12.* mindbodygreen’s cellular beauty+ contains ubiquinol CoQ10, pomegranate whole fruit extract, and six milligrams of astaxanthin (as AstaReal® H. pluvialis algae extract) to support skin hydration, elasticity, smoothness, barrier function, and wrinkle reduction.* Research suggests13 you should aim for at least three milligrams (ideally a bit more) of astaxanthin per day to reap the benefits for skin.*  Because astaxanthin is found naturally in algae and red-hued seafoods, salmon has the highest concentration of this super-antioxidant13 with up to 38 mg/kg in wild-caught varieties. But what is the correct dosage you should be taking? As with any supplement or nutrient, how much you take is key to seeing results. The appropriate dosage for supplements is at least 3 milligrams per day, according to research. However, the strongest results have been observed at 6 milligrams a day14 McDonough has developed & lead nutrition education programming in schools. She’s covered a wide range of topics as a health & nutrition reporter from the rise in the use of psychedelics for depression to the frustrating trend in shorter doctors’ appointments and the connection between diet and disease.

Astaxanthin  What It Is  Where To Get It   4 Health Benefits - 9Astaxanthin  What It Is  Where To Get It   4 Health Benefits - 34Astaxanthin  What It Is  Where To Get It   4 Health Benefits - 65Astaxanthin  What It Is  Where To Get It   4 Health Benefits - 1