One of the most generally accepted ideas about ghosts, though, is that they’re spirits that used to be in a body, and for whatever reason, feel tied to being Earthbound, explains intuitive Natasha Levinger. “This could be due to anything from feeling unresolved about a relationship or even a location to dying before they felt ready to leave,” she says. And it’s important to note that ghosts are not always believed to be inherently bad—despite common misconceptions. “When I’ve worked with these spirits, it is usually resolved fairly quickly and has nothing to do with them trying to invoke pain or upset,” Levinger says. Feng shui expert Anjie Cho adds, “From a feng shui perspective, we have this perspective of nonduality, so something is not necessarily good or bad.” And the ghost stories don’t stop there, with cultures around the world believing in, and even embracing, the idea of ghosts. For many Asian cultures, a deep connection with ancestors can explain perceived ghostly experiences, with Cho telling mbg that ghosts or “entities” are often thought of as loved ones passed on, or even the energy of their memory. The felt presence of a lingering energy has been recorded everywhere from the U.S. to Ghana to China, Thailand, and more. (It’s worth noting here that we’re talking about people reporting ghostly experiences, not actual evidence of such.) Though many believe ghosts are inherently bad, for the people who believe their loved ones might be showing up in a ghostly way, it can bring comfort and connection. However, Richardson caveats, “When discussing topics like ghosts, I think it’s important to note that no one has all the answers, and I encourage people to make up their own minds. I have seen ghosts a few times with my physical eyes, but they can also be sensed with your feeling or clairsentient psychic pathway.” Levinger concurs, noting that after working as a medium and intuitive for years, she’s received enough validation through her readings to believe the information that comes through to her. “If this isn’t your line of work or if you aren’t used to trusting your intuition, it can be hard to believe that ghosts, which live in a realm where the only way to be aware of them is to trust that intuition exists.” She adds that, again, some people just don’t believe that there is an afterlife. “There are so many religious and belief systems that don’t include ghosts—and I personally respect that, even if that’s not what I believe.” Ultimately, though, the experts in the fields of mysticism, the occult, and the paranormal are (more than likely) going to believe, or at least be open to, the idea of ghosts. Those who are more concerned with the physical realm, and prefer to base belief on science (as well as proof), are going to have a hard time warming up to the idea—unless, of course, they were to experience something ghostly themselves.

Are Ghosts Real  What The Experts Say  Theories   More - 31Are Ghosts Real  What The Experts Say  Theories   More - 24Are Ghosts Real  What The Experts Say  Theories   More - 42Are Ghosts Real  What The Experts Say  Theories   More - 25