I carry this generational wisdom and his legacy to the West to share this incredible science in a comprehensible yet undiluted manner. My formal Ayurvedic education has been in Sanskrit, which allows me to minimize what’s usually lost in translation. Here are the true essential principles of the Ayurvedic diet, with foods to eat and avoid and a sample meal plan for each dosha. While scientific literature on the diet as a whole is limited, the following benefits have also been supported by research: If a food is considered high in its nutritional value but can create dysfunction in the gut, it will eventually hurt digestion and, thus, the ability to take the best out of all subsequent foods. After all, you are not what you eat. You are only what you can digest. When all six tastes are combined in a meal, digestion, absorption, nourishment, and elimination are optimized. Beyond that, the taste also tells you how a certain food may act in your body, making you your own health expert. Similarly, refrigeration of cooked foods, especially overnight, is not recommended. In Ayurveda, refrigeration destroys the prana (life force) in food, making it less supportive. As the sun rises in the morning, so does our agni, making it a good time for a light breakfast. During midday, the sun and the agni both peak, signaling that lunch should be the heaviest meal of the day. As the sun sets in the evening, the agni begins to dwindle rapidly. Dinner is therefore meant to be the simplest and lightest meal of the day. Similarly, when the focus is on consumption and digestion, digestive enzymes will be released and function at their best. Agni: Slow General challenges: Sluggishness, weight gain, lethargy Avoid eating: Too many fruits, smoothies, shakes, or dairy. Avoid cold food and excessive fats. Agni: Sharp General challenges: Acidity, intolerance to the sun, rashes, boils, anger Avoid eating: Spicy, fried, fermented, stale food, and junk foods. Agni: Volatile General challenges: Dryness, bloating, gas, anxiety, constipation, sleeplessness Avoid eating: Raw, very light foods, or diet foods like popcorn. Avoid fasting. Principle: Warm, light & spiced  Pitta modifications: Double down on good fat and reduce spices. Vata modifications: Chew slowly, and include a moderate quantity of ghee and spices. Principle: All six tastes Pitta modifications: Sit in a cool place and make sure you include plenty of good fats. Vata modifications: Sit quietly without distraction. Drink ginger tea with meals. Principle: Keep it simple Options: Pitta modifications: Avoid all spicy foods at this hour. If not hungry, skip dinner and drink a cup of warm milk with licorice or cardamom. Vata modifications: Eat a moderate amount. Sit cross-legged if you can. Nidhi has been an international teacher, coach, and speaker. She writes for various publications and is a faculty at the Shakti School. She also runs a six-month 1-1 Ayurvedic Transformation coaching program. She has a broad range of live and recorded courses on nidhipandya.podia.com. Ranked as the top Ayurveda blogger by several publications, you can find her on Instagram at www.instagram.com/my_ayurvedic_life. Nidhi is working on her book and on trademarking an intuitive method of wellness called the Inner Climate™

An Intro To The Ayurvedic Diet   How To Eat For Your Dosha - 20An Intro To The Ayurvedic Diet   How To Eat For Your Dosha - 19An Intro To The Ayurvedic Diet   How To Eat For Your Dosha - 10An Intro To The Ayurvedic Diet   How To Eat For Your Dosha - 82