I started to feel a desire to connect with something greater than myself. But I felt lost—like I didn’t have the language for what I was seeking. I was shy and fumbling in my search for what I now recognize as a spiritual practice. It took me a while to gather a collection of truths, observances, and touchstones that unswervingly led me back to peace and encouraged me to live with an open heart. Here are eight simple steps that helped me gradually build my own spiritual practice over time. I hope they can do the same for you. Your intention can be as simple as saying to yourself, “I want to learn more about spirituality in general,” or it could be as formal as sharing your intention with friends in order to celebrate your start on this lifelong journey. Consciously acknowledging your yearning and curiosity, even if only to yourself, is like opening a door and setting out on the path of the seeker. Find a quiet spot where you can sit comfortably and undisturbed, set your timer, and observe your mind. If that seems daunting, start with a guided meditation. There are tons of free apps and recordings available online. Find one you like, and commit to following it once a day. We are mammals made of recycled star-stuff rocketing around on an anomalous blue planet in the vacuum of an exploding universe, and yet somehow we allow ourselves to get derailed by jammed printers. How could we not laugh? Want to speed things up? Ask for signs. One of my favorite practices is to write the universe a letter. Request help with whatever you are struggling with and thank her for her guidance. Stay open, and you will begin to feel subtle course corrections as you travel through life.

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