And this ace, in particular, she notes, is pure Earth element. “Think Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn vibes,” she explains, adding, “Like all the Aces, it’s an invitation or an offering to work with the element in a new way.” So in the case of Earth, which again, is about the material world, this card represents an opportunity for “a new way of working with the themes of security, alignment, satisfaction, abundance, the body’s wisdom, nature, support, and your soul’s work,” according to Vanderveldt. She also notes that this card suggests now is a good time to plant seeds for whatever it is you would like to happen in the future, “with the knowledge that you’ll have to put in the attention and care if you want to see results.” “Get clear on what you want and you can begin to prepare the foundations now,” she says, adding that just as plants require special care, “relationships are also living, changing things that require our care and attention.” On top of that, this card can also indicate a phase of newness that could feel unstable or ungrounded, she says, recommending to check in with your body’s wisdom “to see if it’s the good kind of nervousness or the trauma bond kind.” And keep in mind here that this suit deals with material things, so if you’re curious about a challenge, it could have something to do with your personal material world. In order to foster that internal foundation, she adds, “think things like body care (regular meals, good sleep, time outside, movement, etc.), setting up simple financial systems, or keeping commitments to yourself.”

Ace Of Pentacles Tarot Card  What It Means For Life  Love   More - 60Ace Of Pentacles Tarot Card  What It Means For Life  Love   More - 32Ace Of Pentacles Tarot Card  What It Means For Life  Love   More - 34Ace Of Pentacles Tarot Card  What It Means For Life  Love   More - 73