So, what does it say about you if you’re dreaming about things going up in flames? According to professional dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg, fiery dreams have actually been on the rise since the pandemic started. Here’s how to interpret your fire dreams based on the specifics, plus how to extinguish them and start snoozing on something else. It can also indicate a sense of urgency. “We’ll use the expression ‘I have to put a few fires out’ when we have things that need to be tended to, so it represents something in your life that needs to be taken care of and extinguished ASAP,” she explains. Sometimes, she adds, fire can also represent a passion for something or someone. “If anger and destruction don’t fit, look at passion—are you holding a flame for someone?” Finally, fire can be considered a symbol of transformation. Think of the phoenix being reborn from the ashes. If it isn’t anger or passion that’s getting to you, consider any areas of your life where you might be experiencing a transformation. These are the general themes of fire, but remember that every dream is different. For a more nuanced interpretation of a dream, you need to pay attention to the details. “Where the fire takes place is a big clue about the message your dream is giving you,” Loewenberg notes, so try to remember that first. Here, Loewenberg walks through a few more specific examples of what your particular fire dream could be telling you. On the other side of the coin, this could be a really positive dream: “When someone’s doing really well, we say ‘Oh, they’re on fire!’” Loewenberg notes. So if you’ve been feeling really good about yourself lately, and perhaps the fire in the dream makes you feel powerful, that’s another way of looking at it. And again, fire can represent transformation, and if you’re on fire you may be dreaming about shedding or burning away the old version of yourself to make room for the new. Interestingly, Loewenberg notes that many women going through perimenopause or menopause will dream that they’re on fire—which also probably has something to do with hot flashes. It also relates to the idea of transformation and the symbolic loss of their childbearing years. She sees this dream type more often in women, though it can certainly apply to men, too. “Stress has built up to the point where the house on fire, and when you reach that stage of stress,” she says, “you’ve gotta do something about it and take as much off your plate as possible.” So, if your town is on fire in a dream, “You want to look at anything that’s angering you first,” she says. “Look at work, look at your circle of friends, look at family—anything in your immediate world.” Ask yourself where the anger is or if something within your life is being destroyed or broken down. In addition to that, a single tree standing alone on fire could indicate some concern about your reproductive life, she adds, again noting the perimenopause and menopause connection. Loewenberg says dreaming of a fireplace usually represents warmth or something that feels inviting in your real life. If you’ve just started a new friendship or relationship and you dream of a fireplace, she says, “That represents your good feelings about it.” So if you’re lighting a candle in the dream, she suggests looking at what’s going on in your spiritual life. With the idea of transformation in mind, as well, it could indicate some change or transformation to your connection with that part of yourself. For example, if you had a positive reaction to the fire in your dream, it’s likely more about passion than it is anger. Or if you thought, “I’ve got to get this fire out ASAP,” you’re probably feeling a sense of urgency surrounding something that’s stressing you out or angering you. “The emotions and thoughts in the dream are big clues,” she adds. Once you figure out what could be eliciting your fire dreams, you can start taking steps to prevent them. If you’re bottling up your anger, for example, that could look like finding a healthy way to express that anger. Whatever you can do to help yourself feel better about the situation in real life will carry over into your dreams.

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