It’s no wonder that so many folks despise the thought of being awake before 9 a.m.! Here are some morning habits that healthy and happy people tend to share: Happy people even use affirmations to declare how their day will go. Steve Jobs’ morning routine used to start by looking in the mirror and asking himself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” It’s also said that Benjamin Franklin asked himself each morning, “What good shall I do today?” Take some time to figure out a question, affirmation, meditation, or prayer that resonates with you, and try to work it into your morning routine. Plus, morning exercise gets the blood flowing and gives them more energy throughout the day. One study1 published in the Journal of Health Psychology discovered that working out improved how people felt about their physical bodies, even if they didn’t lose weight or gain any noticeable improvements in their physique. Just one more reason to hit the gym! If you have a dog, walk it. Walking your dog a mile or two in the morning is a form of much-needed exercise for humans and dogs alike. Not to mention, you’ll get a much-needed dose of crisp morning air, which promotes a sense of vitality. If you’re pet-less, take a stroll yourself! There’s nothing like nature to soothe the mind. There you have it—a foolproof list of morning habits that will set you on track toward a healthier and happier you. And if you have other healthy habits in mind that you want to take on, go ahead—add them to your list!

8 Things Happy   Healthy People Do Every Morning - 548 Things Happy   Healthy People Do Every Morning - 168 Things Happy   Healthy People Do Every Morning - 3