Over the course of a year, I lost 150 pounds. I was half the size I once was, and I’ve been able to maintain this weight loss for the last six years. These days, I truly feel like I hit the weight-loss jackpot. Here are some of the ways that I struck solid gold with my weight-loss journey (and how you can, too): I started out by examining what I was eating on a daily basis. When I recognized that I was making poor food decisions, I set out to change that. I also started taking walks around my neighborhood with my dog more frequently. My short walks eventually transitioned into getting a gym membership when I realized the walking alone wasn’t motivating enough for me. I also sought out personal cheerleaders that were on the same path. The less time I spent with negative influences, the more optimistic my outlook became and the more capable I felt. After I got the gym membership, I quickly realized that no one gave me dirty looks or said anything cruel to me. It was all a worst-case scenario in my head. I spend most of my workouts on long runs (because that’s what I’ve grown to love). I also lift weights, bicycle, go hiking, swim and take fitness classes. But the majority of my exercise comes from something that is sustainable (and pleasurable) for me. Physical activity is a reward. I’ve spent a good deal of time as a full-time student while working a full-time job, volunteer mentoring, transitioning into my new role as a wife, dealing with family tragedies and starting my health coaching business. Over the years, I’ve learned to notice when my stress level is affecting my health (and happiness). That’s when I ask for help from others. I’m not super woman, and that’s OK. When I finally understood that it wasn’t selfish to deserve happiness and good health, I could take actions from a place of self-acceptance. I was able to dedicate time to do more workouts, plan my meals, get enough rest and just allow myself to experience life without a set of conditions. I allowed myself to feel like a winner most days.

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