The meanings of different digits vary and are often related to how big or small the number is. The number 1 (aka the first single digit), for example, typically indicates a beginning, while the number 9 (the last single digit) often relates to endings or finalities. The key to understanding angel numbers when you see them is to get clear on what was happening—or what you were thinking about—when you noticed them. As Richardson notes, you might notice the clock at 1:11 as you were thinking about expanding your business, for instance, which would be a positive sign that your angels support that idea. “Your world is shaped and altered by your thoughts and words. Right now you are creating, and the powerful forces of the universe are working with you,” she explains. And in the case of the number 7, Michaela notes that it’s a push to let go of fear. “Learning and growing come with new contexts and opportunities, and you’re feeling called to do new things without always knowing who or what to trust,” she says. To see the number 7, then, is a reminder to be spontaneous and courageous but also smart and cautious, she explains, adding, “It’s OK to have a backup plan. When you see this number, create a list of what you are scared of and what you can do to mitigate those fears.” And according to Richardson, the number 7 is also heavily related to spirituality, serving as a reminder to prioritize your spiritual side or even learn about/incorporate new spiritual practices. “This number is also about being of service in the world, which honors the spiritual concept that we are all connected,” she adds. In the case of 717, according to Michaela, it’s all about understanding you already have what you need. So for twin flames, “the connection itself may not be the prize—what you are learning from it is,” she says. “The things we are gifted from spirit aren’t necessarily what we want but, upon careful inspection, are, in fact, exactly what we need,” she adds.

717 Angel Number Meaning   What To Do If You re Seeing It - 62717 Angel Number Meaning   What To Do If You re Seeing It - 73717 Angel Number Meaning   What To Do If You re Seeing It - 2717 Angel Number Meaning   What To Do If You re Seeing It - 53717 Angel Number Meaning   What To Do If You re Seeing It - 34