You have the power to change who you are and how others see you. You don’t have to remain locked in old patterns. You can become the new you. When you want to change what’s inside, you can do something similar by using words to create a character model of the person you’re trying to become. It may not be as easy as flipping through old photo albums, but all it takes to begin the process of self-reinvention is following these seven steps: These seven steps will give you a clear target to shoot for, a portrait of the person you want to be – of the person you will become as you trade in the old you for the new one. Deep inside, there is a strong, good, loving version of you, and keeping that image in your thoughts can help you as you remake your life. Becoming the new you will have a positive impact on every aspect of your life – physical, emotional, intellectual, professional, personal – and the people you share it with. It’s a great adventure, and you’re well on your way.

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