Without further ado, here are the six most common sleeping positions and what they mean for our bodies and, potentially, minds. As Hardick tells mbg, there’s undoubtedly something universally comforting about holding yourself in a fetal position, though it will curve the spine and result in some hip flexion, like we see when we sit in a chair. Even babies who sleep like this, he notes, feel the inclination to stretch upon waking from this position. And as far as the psychology goes, Idzikowski found these kinds of sleepers to be tough on the outside but sensitive on the inside, and potentially shy upon meeting strangers. Lucky for the log sleepers of the world, though, Hardick says this position shouldn’t put too much stress on the body, so long as you have the right pillow. “The goal is to have a pillow that allows their neck to be consistently straight and in line with the spine,” he explains, such as a supportive down or bamboo pillow. And like the log position, Hardick says the yearners shouldn’t have too much trouble as long as their pillow is supportive and the right size to keep the head and neck in line with the spine. Breathing properly is essential to a good night’s sleep, so if you sleep on your back and notice you’re consistently waking up feeling groggy, it could be worth experimenting with sleeping on your side. Other than that, this is another position where having the right pillow to support your head will make all the difference. According to Idzikowski’s research, the soldiers of the sleep world are typically quiet, reserved, and hold themselves and others to a high standard. The reason being, he says, is cranking your head to one side produces “tremendous stress on the ligaments of your neck.” If you can’t fall asleep any other way, it’s not the end of the world, but this is the one sleeping position Hardick says you might want to avoid. Psychologically, Idzikowski’s study found these types of sleepers to be social and brash, with an inner sensitivity that makes them averse to criticism. Again, sleeping on your back can lead to snoring and, in turn, reduced-quality sleep. Other than that, Hardick says this position is fine on the body. And yes, the need for a supportive pillow that keeps the head and neck in proper alignment is still a factor here. Hardick tells mbg his patients do often struggle to move from sleeping on their stomachs to their side, for example. But if you are looking to try a new sleeping position, try to be patient as it’ll take some time for it to become comfortable. He suggests using a neck roll pillow to ensure your head and neck are in alignment, at the very least, and being sure to stretch before bed. Extension stretches like upward-facing dog and hip flexor stretches can also help open up the body before bed, which may help keep your body loose and less likely to revert to that default position. “Whatever position a person falls into might give them some indication of what they could stretch better themselves,” he adds.

6 Most Common Sleeping Positions   What They Say About You - 506 Most Common Sleeping Positions   What They Say About You - 816 Most Common Sleeping Positions   What They Say About You - 32