While “nesting” at home is all the rage, too much of any good thing can become bad. Today, as I find myself growing lazier by the second as my impulse to stay in as the weather gets chilly and it starts to get dark earlier. The goal of a well-balanced home is to add a little motivation & focus where you need it, rather than turn your home into a circus. So, lets look at some simple but powerful ways to raise the energy in your home.  The only way to fight the lazy is to literally cover the TV and TV-like devices when I want to really socialize at home or get some work done or feel like my mind isn’t melting! I throw a gorgeous scarf over the screen. You might have a cabinet that your TV fits in, or art to prop up in front of it, or a screen to place in front of it. No matter what creative solution you find, it’s definitely going to make difference in your life to “quiet” the television. Crack a window or lower the heat before bed so that you can wake up in the morning in a fresh way. Try a shower that alternates hot and cold water (30 seconds as cold and then 30 seconds as hot as you can comfortably stand) in a cycle of several times to truly wake up in the morning invigorated. Without discipline, if it’s not ready to eat, it doesn’t get eaten! Keep some high energy (preferably raw) food on hand that is pre-chopped, pre-prepared, and ready to grab so that your laziness can’t keep you from snacking on fresh energy meals. After a while, you will be excited to chop & cook up your own goodies, but for now, the easier the better! These full-spectrum light bulbs don’t have to be high-powered and the light doesn’t have to be intense, but a more full-spectrum color of light in your home will boost your mood. On that note, try opening the shades or curtains in your bedroom when you sleep so that the natural sunlight can flood in to wake you up with nature. Too early? Well, early risers tend to be far more productive and energized. Try rising with the sun and feel the way that natural light can move you! If you need a little motivation to get through one or more of these lazy-breaking tips, I will tell you that they will make you and your home sexier and more magnetic. Excited now? Check out the do’s and don’t of feng shui in your bedroom. She’s a Stanford-educated art historian with more than a decade of experience in design yet her approach to space is simple. Claudat is a longtime mindbodygreen contributor and instructor (she may have had a hand in the hundreds of plants in mindbodygreen headquarters!), and her work has been featured in design and lifestyle publications around the world. You can work with her from wherever you are in the world in her online Feng Shui Camps and through her Online Feng Shui Consultations. You can sign up for her weekly Feng Shui Rituals, including rituals for every New and Full Moon, right here!

6 Feng Shui Tips To Make You Less Lazy   Boost Your Energy - 66 Feng Shui Tips To Make You Less Lazy   Boost Your Energy - 426 Feng Shui Tips To Make You Less Lazy   Boost Your Energy - 73