But we can’t always escape into the woods on a whim. In the midst of a busy schedule or bustling city, The Great Outdoors may be temporarily out of reach, but that doesn’t mean we can’t bring nature inside to meet us exactly where we’re at. In fact, the more of an outside vibe we can bring to our life inside—the better we’ll feel.  These days, we have to get extra creative about squeezing in the doses of nature wherever we can. And that might look like making herbs a part of our daily routine with Ricola herb drops or learning how to parent plants. To make it easy for you, we’ve compiled a list of ways to enjoy the power of nature while tucked into the comfort of your abode. Devon’s first book, Earth Women, is coming soon. To learn more, join the mailing list, and receive updates, head to www.devonbarrowwriting.com.

5 Ways To Enjoy The Power Of Nature  Even When You Can t Get Outside  - 355 Ways To Enjoy The Power Of Nature  Even When You Can t Get Outside  - 895 Ways To Enjoy The Power Of Nature  Even When You Can t Get Outside  - 85 Ways To Enjoy The Power Of Nature  Even When You Can t Get Outside  - 265 Ways To Enjoy The Power Of Nature  Even When You Can t Get Outside  - 145 Ways To Enjoy The Power Of Nature  Even When You Can t Get Outside  - 685 Ways To Enjoy The Power Of Nature  Even When You Can t Get Outside  - 705 Ways To Enjoy The Power Of Nature  Even When You Can t Get Outside  - 94