To make your nutritious bean-filled meals a little easier on your stomach, mindbodygreen reached out to the top experts for their best tips on managing bean-induced bloat:  Bonus: It also removes any metallic flavor that may have soaked in. While not all strains are effective at doing this job, Miller says, “a good blend of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains can aid in breaking down resistant starches and reducing gas.”* If you’re short on time, holistic nutritionist Kelly LeVeque says, “pressure cooking dried beans is a fast and easy alternative to soaking that can decrease unwanted gas.”

However, “too much fluid can dilute your digestive chemicals needed to break down the starch,” Miller says. So she recommends taking small sips at mealtime, while Cannon suggests omitting hydrating during a meal, and instead drinking water 30 minutes before and after. Test both options out to see what works best for your body. Regardless, prioritize staying hydrated throughout your day, not just around mealtime. “A short walk after a meal that includes beans—or any other food, really—supports optimal digestion,” Cannon says. Or try these yoga poses, which may help stimulate digestion.

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