The goal is to move away from thoughts and beliefs centered in fear, scarcity, and lack and replace them with love and overflowing abundance. Conditioning is inevitable, but just because it is inevitable doesn’t mean we can’t challenge those belief systems and thought patterns and replace them with what seems more authentic to us as individuals. Don’t let someone else dictate where or who you should or shouldn’t be in your life. Challenge your belief systems about yourself and your life, and decide what brings you joy and what is best for you. Following false truths that do not resonate with who you are, your authentic self, will eventually lead to feelings of emptiness and unhappiness as you continue to live a life that does not resemble your divine nature. Society would not agree with some of my choices, but I am living out of authenticity, not out of other people’s expectations of me. Shake things up, and be a trailblazer! But most importantly, do what brings you joy. These are my five tips for “unlearning."

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