Little do they know, this can be the most celebrated time of your life! Consider yourself blessed and enjoy the freedom. To travel. To date and choose a partner. To revel in wellness, and have fun babysitting your friends’ children. (And shhh…giving them back to mom!) I used to think the true answer in life was finding a mate. This was until I got into a marriage too quickly and realized how incredibly lonely life can be when you aren’t with the right partner. Then I got divorced in 2007 and realized that life—single or married—should be whatever you want it to be! There are things to celebrate about being 40 or over, single, and having no children: here’s five I’ve found  There are so many more things to celebrate about where you are in life, but I wanted to draw attention to this particular age bracket. I know people who are married and happy, and single and happy. But I also know many people who are married and suffering with loneliness, and those who spend all of their time complaining that they don’t have a spouse or kids. The key is to be thrilled with where you are right now. Embrace your age, circumstances, lifestyle and those that you so choose to share it with. If you’re unable to authentically embrace where you are? Change where you are.

5 Things To Celebrate About Being Single  Childless   Over 40 - 95 Things To Celebrate About Being Single  Childless   Over 40 - 735 Things To Celebrate About Being Single  Childless   Over 40 - 33