However, many people can misunderstand what it means to be friends with benefits (FWB), thinking it involves absolutely no responsibility or care for the other person or thinking that it’s a stepping stone to a romantic relationship. That’s not what this type of relationship is about, and these misconceptions can lead people to getting hurt in these FWB situations. Good sex is dependent upon a variety of factors — chemistry, compatibility, communication, and a mutual desire to receive and give pleasure. If you aren’t sure, ask yourself the following questions: Are you: Know yourself. If you feel like crying after each encounter or wanting more commitment, talk to your partner and let them know how you’re feeling. You may need to disengage if you’re developing romantic feelings or feeling uncomfortable with sex without romance. Having a friend with benefits also doesn’t substitute for having rock-solid self-confidence and self-worth, regardless of your relationship status or who you’re sleeping with. Sometimes you need to let go of people and situations that are unfulfilling so you can make space in your life for what you’re really looking for and what you really need.