Here’s my story as well as why I encourage women to wear less-is-more. Through makeup, I was trying to be someone I thought others wanted me to be: I wanted to be glamorous and sophisticated, not scared of anything, always up for an adventure. But inside, I was lonely, guarded and never let anyone see the real me (personality or face). I was afraid to be vulnerable, terrified of being seen without the protective “mask” makeup provided. When I finally left my corporate job to pursue my dream of being a makeup artists, I discovered new things about myself and my perception of beauty. Here are five things I learned about real beauty: So many people try to use makeup as a tool to become a different version of themselves, much like I once did. But I feel so much more comfortable when my makeup looks natural or I wear none at all, and I look younger too. When you show your true self, you build trust by exposing who you are without the protective mask of makeup. If you’re nervous to go without your usual makeup, try thinking about whether the products you use enhance or hide something on your face. Now, I embrace them and appreciate the face staring back at me … because it’s mine. I appreciate every line and blemish because I know the emotions and adventure that have left them behind. Your face tells your unique story, so embrace it and share that story with the world. I still love makeup and cosmetic artistry, but now I’m more inspired by bringing out a woman’s true beauty and helping her feel more confident in her own skin. By giving her that confidence, it helps her shine and be seen for the beautiful woman she is. I invite you to be more conscious of your beauty routine. Are you wearing makeup because it helps you feel more confident or are you hiding behind a mask? The next time you go to do your makeup, do it to enhance your natural beauty rather than hide it.

5 Reasons To Wear Less Make Up  From A Makeup Artist - 425 Reasons To Wear Less Make Up  From A Makeup Artist - 715 Reasons To Wear Less Make Up  From A Makeup Artist - 67