While running injuries are common, there are many ways to help prevent them (i.e., wearing the right shoe, running on gentle terrain, and resting when necessary). Understanding the most common running injuries is helpful for knowing how to treat and even prevent them.  What it is: Irritation of the joint between the thigh bone (a.k.a. the femur) and kneecap (a.k.a. patella).  How to treat it: Strengthening and stretching the muscles around the knee, including the quads, hamstrings, and hip muscles (specifically the glutes, and hip rotator muscles). What it is: Excess stress on the IT band, commonly caused by instability of the leg or muscular imbalances.  How to treat it: Strengthening the muscles that control leg stability, including the glutes and the hips (especially lateral hips). Improving balance can be helpful, too. Gillanders recommends leg raises, foam rolling, lunges, and bridge exercises. Strength training, yoga, and Pilates may all be helpful to promote a balance of strength and flexibility. What it is: Micro-tears in the muscles that surround the shinbone.  How to treat it: If shin splints are caused by overtraining, appropriate rest is imperative to prevent further injury. Improving flexibility in the calf, hips, ankles, and big toe will allow the leg to move properly while running and may help prevent injury in the future.  What it is: An overuse injury where the tendon becomes irritated.  How to treat it: Strength, flexibility, and balance are key components here. To help with pain, ice and rest the Achilles tendon. Stretching the heel and calf area can also help; try toe-to-wall stretches or calf raises.  What it is: An inflammation or micro-tearing in the connective tissue on the bottom of the foot.  How to treat it: Resting this injury is difficult since everyday activity requires standing on the feet. These foot and toe stretches can help improve the pain, as can kneading the tissue with a golf, lacrosse, or tennis ball. Taping the foot, wearing compression socks, and wearing proper footwear can help disperse weight-bearing pressure.  He monitors his patients using a pain scale and advises them based on the following levels:  In the meantime, Gillanders suggests resting, icing, and elevating the injured area.  Simply talking to a doctor or physical therapist about these factors can help them understand what may be causing the injuries and help treat them. Recognizing these factors can also prevent injuries going forward.  While running coaches and personal trainers are not equipped to diagnose or treat running injuries, they can provide tips regarding running gait, training schedules, proper terrain, and other factors that may help keep injuries at bay.  The general rule of thumb, according to Gillanders, is not to increase weekly mileage by more than 10%.  For the impatient or competitive runners, keep in mind that it’s better to start slow and make progress than to become injured and have to stop running altogether.  Pilates and yoga are other good ways to continue strengthening the body while also reducing risks of overuse, physical therapist Meghan Cass, P.T., DPT, previously told mbg. And a rest day—full stop—is also important every now and then. For those who use exercise as a way to support mental health, try meditating or journaling on those full rest days. 

5 Most Common Running Injuries   How To Treat Them - 465 Most Common Running Injuries   How To Treat Them - 115 Most Common Running Injuries   How To Treat Them - 915 Most Common Running Injuries   How To Treat Them - 64